You are hereHow on earth is HD-DVD losing to Blu-Ray?

How on earth is HD-DVD losing to Blu-Ray?

By Blackwalt - Posted on 14 January 2008

Early Blu-ray adopters to get the shaft as the Blu-ray Disc Association introduces BD Profile 2.0

"They knew what they were getting into," is the official response.

Betanews has the full scoop.

Best part:

    When BetaNews asked why these manufacturers rushed out players that were not fully capable and potentially buggy due to their BD-J implementation, the Blu-ray partner pointed blame across the room to HD DVD. "We should have waited another year to introduce Blu-ray to the public, but the format war changed the situation," he said. HD DVD was already coming and the BDA had no choice but to launch Blu-ray.

Noir's picture

Frankly, I don't even know why we have spinning media anymore. With the price of solid state devices plummeting why don't they start selling movies on flash cards?
1) Same price if not cheap
2) No scratching
3) Easier portability, which would also help the stealing aspect I suppose.

I say bring back the cartridges!

If that fails, then I too agree with Stromblade, just use the internets.

MauriceRevek's picture

Can you imagine the size of the packaging that would surround it? They would still ship them int he same packaging as the current DVD format to try to limit the amount of theft. Mind you, in Canada, people walk around in with winter coats big enough to fit 10 people inside.

Nah, movies will go download exclusive before they go solid state.

Swag's picture

people who have a PS3 buy Blu-ray movies, maybe the numbers are quite low. Look at the crappy UMD format that Sony used for the PSP, nobody bought those.

Now if the Wii had Blu-ray, then it would be over.

But alas, I agree with Stormy, the physical disk medium is dying...

Coxxorz's picture

Just like they announced the imminent death of Apple so many times in the 90's, we're not getting the full story.

If you say Blu-Ray is outselling HD 6 to 1 because of all the PS3's, you might fool the movie studios into picking sides. Then if you say more movie studios support one side than another, you might fool some of the people into picking sides. So then why are BR discs only outselling HD about 2 to 1?

Seems to me HD-DVD owners are buying way more movies than their Blu-Ray counterparts. So Hitachi's recent price cuts on players is going to have an interesting effect on Sony's "victory".

Stormblade's picture

Purchasing either format just as all movie viewing is headed to the online world seems like a complete waste of time and money, who really cares who wins?

Coxxorz's picture

Let's see how long it takes you to download a high-def movie. Ready? Go!

Stormblade's picture

I buy anymore come from iTunes. I see no point in buying DVDs. Apple will soon have deals with all of the major studios. What do I need the media for?

An hour to download, or I could run off to the store. Seems an easy choice for me.

Q-Bert's picture

For predicting the MacWorld keynote.

MauriceRevek's picture

You must be happy with Apple's annoucement

Over 1000 movies available by end of February on iTunes.

Last year, new iPhone, iTouch, iPodClassic, Leopard.

This year, iLight laptop, iMovies

Now if only they could redesign iTunes.

Joke of the day
Q: What did the sailor say to the captain when asked to perform some duty?

A: iAye captain.

French joke of the day
Q: Qu'est ce que le petit garcon a dit lorsqu'ill s'est coupé le doight?

R: iAille

Coxxorz's picture

His spelling is just as bad in French! A true bilinguelle!

Coxxorz's picture

Because you're the fulfillment of their lifelong dream: every time someone views their property, they make money.

MauriceRevek's picture

The real culprit in the loss of HD-DVD to Blue Ray, is Microsoft. If they had made the CD drive inside the 360 an HD drive rather than selling it ias a $200 external add on, then HD-DVD would have won the format war 6 months ago, if not more. The credit for Blue-Ray having one the war is being given to the PS-3, as each sale put a Blue Ray player in the filed, which gave Blue Ray an install base that was much higher than HD-DVD.

Of course, it could be said that Microsoft wanted both formats to fail, so that they can deliver the content directly through the 360 and whatever other home server / home entertainment center that they want to push.

Q-Bert's picture

... you might want to re-read yourself there.

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