You are hereVirtual Sega Night this Friday!

Virtual Sega Night this Friday!

By Coxxorz - Posted on 16 January 2008

It's finally happened: Karloff has a new DSL modem and has committed to a night of uninterrupted online gaming bliss!

Clan members, friends, and enemies alike are invited to partake - virtually (we don't need to see your face, really) in all manner of humiliation, from Call of Duty 4 and 3, right down to Halo 3. Festivities begin "at 4:02" according to Karloff, however I would allow an additional 20 seconds for him to heed nature's call...

Karloff's picture

taunts have been completed. If I missed anyone... you suck.

Death from above/below/sideways/ INSIDE to commence at 4:02pm EST tomorrow.

And, yes... I'll be wearing my crotchless tea-bagging undies.

MauriceRevek's picture

My thanks to the admin for updating the photo of "Blue Balls" Karloff.

Take care when you tea bag in COD4, you might just get a grenade up your ass. What is that perk called again? Dying Breath? Blow off the tea baggers scrottum?

MauriceRevek's picture

I have drinks with some friends after work tomorrow night. So I may show up a bit later.

Karloff's picture

You'll show up DEAD, that's for sure.

Blackwalt's picture
Karloff's picture

As will be your humiliation...

Blackwalt's picture

You stop taunting the guys that can delete your account.

Stormblade's picture

in the calendar for Tonight??

Coxxorz's picture

Blackwalt even watched me do it...

Stormblade's picture

adequate validation??

MauriceRevek's picture

Because we will be doing a pre-virtual sega night to perfect our techniques? I for one need to practice my crouching and grenade tossing.

Karloff's picture


Coxxorz's picture

Would that make tonight's gaming a clan practice? I'm pretty sure there's something against such things in the charter.

Karloff's picture


Coxxorz's picture

I'll go with that.

Stormblade's picture

I'm in!

Karloff's picture

You're in trouble. That's what you're in!

Stormblade's picture

Bite me, Boris. You're goin' down!

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