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HoC experiences Dead Island: single player online multi-player

By Blackwalt - Posted on 23 September 2011

Laundry day! So no pants. But this time because I can't find any. Previously I wasn't wearing any just for fun.

I kind of fixed my multiplayer issues...

As I said. Kind of...

I guess I should have thought this through. I do, in fact, now have two copies of Dead Island and two Xboxes but (and it's a pretty big but) my two Xboxes are in different rooms!

Once I move my second xbox into my office beside my first one I'll be ready for proper single player online multi-player.

    Oh oh oh oh
    On the floor of Banoi
    Or down in Moresby town to go, go
    With the zombies selection
    And the mirror's reflection
    I'm dancing with myself

Once I get the second xbox running the second copy of Dead Island I'll finally be playing multi-player co-op! myself.

Single player online multi-player.

Well crap.

Coxxorz's picture

"Playing Alone".

Funny how they specifically point that out in your status.

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