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Flow Chart Guide to Geek Books

By Akuf - Posted on 28 September 2011

My favorite story of all time

Hey Blackwalt maybe you can make one for games like you made the periodic table (link:


Graybush's picture

actually your favorite? (the belgariad I mean). I would have pegged you for more of a Herbert's "dune" kind of guy. For me, I like pandemics. Stephen King's the Stand is definitely up there.

Akuf's picture

Really? you Stephen King? I had you pegged more of a Stephanie Meyer kind of guy (Sorry I could not let that one go).

But yes, it is one of my all time favorites. I will read anything if it is well written I will continue to read it If not, well I usually throw it out or recycle it somehow.

It's the same with TV shows and Movies I am will to give anything a chance. If it is well produced, written, acted (Game of Thrones, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, just to name a few) I will continue to watch it. If not (True Blood) then I won't waste my time.

Graybush's picture

Stephanie Meyer?? You take that BACK! (I just googled who she was). My wife could not force me to watch one of those movies.

I have read the Belgariad series and enjoyed it though I wouldn't have admitted it if you didn't (little too lovey-dovey don't you think?). I like most of Crichton's stuff but prefer Preston&Child and I think Dennis McKiernan is better than Tolkien. That's right, I said it.

Akuf's picture


Coxxorz's picture

All of the ones I've read are on the sci-fi side, unless movies count.

Any Heinlein fans here?

Swag's picture

Did not like.

Some interesting characters though, like Jubal Harshaw.

But too much of a hippie loving feeling in that one.

Akuf's picture

Yeah but no one cares what you think

Swag's picture

why are you replying to my comment?

Swag's picture

True Blood?

Akuf's picture

Long list
But here is a high level analysis
1) acting is terrible
2) writing is terrible

I gave it a chance I lasted until episode 6 of season 1
I always challenge people do turn off their screens and just listen to the dialog and ask themselves if has been written by someone with a higher than grade 8 education.

Volleyball girl 3 once told me why it is so popular, it is the only show on tv that exploits men. This is why it is popular with women. Probably why it lasted as long as it has.

Swag's picture

each to his own.

The acting isn't spectacular sure. but is it terrible? Hardly.

Anna Paquin did win a Golden Globe fore best actress.

The writting does on the surface seem terrible. But in context it works.

Again, this isn't my favorite show, but it's still good.

Graybush's picture

"Enjoy stories about orphaned farmboys? No?.... tough."

Akuf's picture

I was hoping someone would catch that...

Well done!

Stormblade's picture

How many of these I have read, especially on the Fantasy side. Although, there's no Dresden or Black Company.


Swag's picture

by Neil Gaiman is very strange but actually quite good.

At least 'The song of ice and fire' series by George R.R. Martin is on there.

Which coincidentally is also a great HBO show (Game of Thrones).

MauriceRevek's picture

I have read that series at least every one - two years since I am 18.

Nice graphice. Now I have a shopping list to fill of books I have not read yet.

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