You are hereSeanMCR takes us Achievement hunting

SeanMCR takes us Achievement hunting

By Blackwalt - Posted on 15 October 2011

And it worked out just fine. For us

So last night when SeanMCR came online he found Graybush and I playing Dead Island. No big deal but despite ordering his copy a week ago, SeanMCR had still not received Dead Island. Shipped but...

This didn't sound familiar at all.

So the three of us discussed other options. For about 15 minutes while Graybush and I continued to screw around in Dead Island. We weren't doing anything in particular. Just screwing around. Eventually SeanMCR mentioned that he wanted to get a Beast mode achievement in Gears of War 3Wreaking Locust Vengence (10g).

Sure, sounds good, you host.

You unlock the Wreaking Locust Vengence achievement by getting a kill with every Locust monster in Beast mode – 15 different locusts. In any difficulty. We checked our stats before we went in and discovered that none of us were really that far from the achievement. I was halfway. Needed a kill from most of the locusts in Tier 3 and Tier 4.

In Beast mode you start with one Tier of Locust monsters and unlock three more tiers as you earn points through the levels.

So SeanMCR hosted a game and invited in Graybush and I. And everything went well until we reached Tier 3. Unrelated to this fact of course.

I was playing as a Savage Corpser and I needed one kill with this creature. I had downed a stranded and was about to finish them off when...


Graybush asked me if everything had frozen for me as well. Well yes. We could both still move around but could not do anything and the clock had stopped.

Did any of you read SeanMCR's earlier story about internet connections in Alberta? Yes? Well guess what? He had disconnected and took all of our progress with him.

Needless to say Graybush and I may have been a little miffed. Nothing SeanMCR hadn't been called before but still.

Anyway, we decided to continue working on the Wreaking Locust Vengence achievement but perhaps with someone else hosting. Graybush in this case. So we did. We even waited for five minutes (at least) for SeanMCR to re-appear.

"He can join in once we have started can't he?" Well yes, yes he can. Let's go.

Back into Beast mode we went and started to unlock the 4 Tiers all over again. I finished my 2nd Tier previously in SeanMCR's game as did Graybush. We had to play through round 8 (approx) to unlock both Tiers 3 and 4 for us. Some time in the middle of round 10...

Achievement unlocked!

I reported this to Graybush and 30 seconds later a cheerful "got it" came from Graybush.

SeanMCR never did join us again even though we completed Beast mode all the way through to round 12.

So how did SeanMCR's idea to go achievement hunting work out?

Just great for Graybush and Blackwalt.

Not so much for SeanMCR.

Oh well, thanks for the great idea SeanMCR! Good luck with that achievement. We're done. See you on Dead Island.

SeanmcR6's picture


Actually, I got achievement...literally about 40 seconds before my connection dropped.

My internet completely went down. Like totally. About 15 minutes later, it came back on, but was DOG SLOW. Less than 1Mbps. So I didn't bother with the Xbox. I watched a movie on my TV and updated this site with my comment. That's the second time this week it's sh*t the bed.

It's funny, I ran the speed test when it came on, and I was being routed through the closest server...and it was Calgary, not Edmonton. Also funny, my ping was twice as fast as it's ever been with Edmonton. 50ms...compared to 95-120ms.

So my routing was improved, but my bandwith sucked.

Today, everything is back to normal. 9Mbps DL, 2Mbps upload....110ms ping.


BTW...unless anyone is interested in doing the campaign again, 4 person coop, in arcade mode, on insanity...I'm going to trade the game back in. I've gotten all the acheivements I'm going to get by myself..except maybe 50 rounds of horde and getting every execution.

Coxxorz's picture

That's good DL/UL bandwidth, but crummy ping.

Any Fiber options in Fort Mac?

Coxxorz's picture

There's still this one:

We should set a date to do this. I'm thinking Ticker Tuesday.

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