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Note about EBGames December Door Crashers

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 December 2011

And a shout out to Coxxorz for keeping us updated

We'll just ignore that Steam crap until it's supported on Xbox Live.

Just a note to let hopeful gamers know not to PANIC if you missed a day or a game. The local stores tend to keep the low prices for a couple of days afterward. I purchased one of the $9.99 games three days after it expired. So don't give up hope if you missed your favourite B game. Or C game. Who am I to judge? You should see the games I bought. (Please note that they can still run out of stock.)

However, they are pretty stringent about the one per customer deal. I have tried twice to equip the clan, so to speak, and been refused both times.

So don't despair that you have missed the crap lesser known game of your choice. Get in there now and grab it. Better late than never.

Blackwalt's picture

Discovered that this does not apply to all games.

Homefront for example went back up as the $9.99 was yesterday's price. Back to $29.99.

But Duke Nukem Forever from last week is still $9.99.

So mileage may vary.

MauriceRevek's picture

Price match at future for an additional discount. Picked up Homefront new for 7.99

Coxxorz's picture

The student has become the master!

Although their policy says they don't match "limited time offers", so you technically got lucky.

MauriceRevek's picture

At least that one way for me to get lucky.

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This applies to all of you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.



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