You are hereNew Event up – Next Thursday Jan. 31st.

New Event up – Next Thursday Jan. 31st.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 25 January 2008

Guba and RollyC are out for the evening.

Let's take advantage and spend the night gaming on Live!

Burnout Paradise and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Are there any other games?

Stormblade's picture

is fine by me.

MauriceRevek's picture

What kind of a clan member are you?

All those in favor of sending Stormblade to the litter box, say Aye.

Or better yet, Coxxorz! New online poll:

Should we send Stormblade to the litter box for refusing to get Burnout Revenge:

  • Yes
  • No
  • If he gives me his X-Box, No
  • If he does not give me his X-Box, Yes
  • Lock him in the cellar with the crazy ax-murderer
  • Dump both Stormblade and Q-Bert in a pit with a knife set in a stump in the center, and watch them fight to the death
  • Stormblade's picture

    Burnout sucks

    Worse than Halo

    Sorry, I don't get my thrills driving around and hitting things with a car. Well, maybe I did, but I managed to get my fill in the demo

    Q-Bert's picture

    What if I drove against the traffic ?

    Ice's picture

    Maybe if Burnout added tumbleweed Stormblade would be more interested.

    Blackwalt's picture

    And this one is pretty good.

    Stormblade's picture

    I just can't get into the concept of driving around and getting into challenges wherever with whomever. Frankly, I found the demo boring and maybe the real game is better, but I can't see forking out the money to find out.

    I would rather kill things!!!

    Blackwalt's picture

    Apparently there are all sorts of stores designed to do just that.

    Stormblade's picture

    I checked.

    I can only assume it's because it sucks ...

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