You are hereLast chance for Internet in Canada
Last chance for Internet in Canada
Bill C-11 is set for clause-by-clause review Monday, so this is basically your last chance to do something about it.
To recap, the Conservatives say it's okay for consumers to transfer content from one device to another.... unless it contains digital locks.
Which is dumb enough, but don't forget we still have all those lobby groups left over from SOPA, pushing to change the legislation even further in their favour. They want to see things like:
- no recording television programs
- no copying of content from one device to another
- no unlocking cel phones
- increased liabilities for doing the above
- force ISP's to block access to "infringing" websites
- force ISP's to take down user content without court oversight
- force ISP's to disclose subscriber information to without a warrant
So we need to push back NOW before this becomes law (and that Boxee arrives in the mail):
- Open Media Say No campaign
- Liberals petition
TL;DR: Bill C-11 is the Canadian of SOPA/PIPA, explained really well here by Clay Shirky at TED.
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- 286 reads
"Virtually all other copyright lobby demands — website blocking, notice-and-takedown, iPod tax, copyright term extension, disclosure of subscriber information — were rejected. Moreover, the provisions supported by consumer and education groups including user generated content protection, time shifting, format shifting, backup copies, Internet provider liability, and statutory damages reform were left untouched."
It's a partial victory at least.
and Hell.