You are hereGRAW2 Co-op collection now available on Live

GRAW2 Co-op collection now available on Live

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 January 2008

The GRAW 2 Co-op Collection is now available for download through Xbox Live Marketplace.

No! We are not changing Thursday night!

We are committed to Burnout Paradise for Thursday (sorry Stormblade) but this GRAW2 expansion looks like a good option for our next LAN event – virtual or otherwise.

Let's give everyone a chance to download the content (if they want), and to buy the game if necessary. You know who you are Q-Bert! Remember that GRAW2 is one of the games that supports more than four players in Co-op. Something we still haven't tested.

800 MS points ($11.50) nets you:

  • all new Co-op campaign over five maps
  • nine new maps
  • 125 new achievement points available
Blackwalt's picture

And third... and fourth...

I think its better to save our money toward Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 which is released on March 18th.

Is it worth the $11.50 for less than two months of play?

Stormblade's picture

after you made me spend 60 bucks on Burnout?!?!

Blackwalt's picture

Who's the moron now?

And Rolly says"g b bnfgcnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fscvgbfxjml.njmvfhb cz cv gf fdnjgfdvbcvcv"

Coxxorz's picture

Is that Revek hacking into your account now?

Stormblade's picture

Oh please??

This game is actually good!!!

Coxxorz's picture

So you want to pay extra money to play a game we haven't yet all played together without the new content?

Stormblade's picture


Sorry, was my statement confusing?

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