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Clan Ops back again?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 27 March 2012

After a less than auspicious debut, the Call of Duty Elite "Clan Operations" seem to have returned.

Your ever-vigilant Clan Leader spotted this little beauty while trolling the Lone Wolf Operations, trying to start a flame war. It's a Team Deathmatch, and appears to start Tuesday at 7:30pm. Which is weird, because I'm sure it wasn't listed earlier tonight (Monday). I'm assuming that's Eastern time, despite the fact that Lone Wolf ops are always listed using PST. Yes, that's how fuct up Activision is.

Either way, that's a very short lead time. But never fear, we are officially enlisted! We just need for Seanmcr to leave work early, and Stormblade to buy the goddamn game already. It's either that or receive 100 copies of it for a wedding present. Your choice, dude.

Just to recap, we only need 263 more points to push us to Level 6. So a bronze in tonight's event would get us... 13 points short. So get your asses online and fight for silver!!!

Coxxorz's picture

The leaderboards haven't been published, but it looks like we finished 5305th out of 8815 clans.

Now to be fair, we only had 3 of the top 6 clan members whose scores count toward the total. And I don't even think the ones did play were on for very long. I mean Blackwalt led the field with 113 kills. Blackwalt for god's sake. In my own defence, I only made it on for one match.

Here are the final scores:

Note the donuts at the bottom.

And as expected, we got 250 points, bringing us within annoying reach of the next level.

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