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Is this really the end of Rebecca Black Friday posts?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 05 May 2012

I doubt it
25% (2 votes)
God, it better be
75% (6 votes)
Total votes: 8
MauriceRevek's picture

Cats have problems too?

Akuf's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

I don't think Blackwalt will be writting about the Adventures of Aku. Aku can write those, and he is activly enocouraged to do so so that we may have more content to laugh at... err... read. Yes, read. Does he have his own custom banner?

Akuf's picture


Akuf's picture

So is someone going to make me a banner?
Since I don't have any skills (nor want) skills with graphics

Akuf's picture

That happened yesterday

Epsisode: don't ring the doorbell on Sunday

********* WARNING *******
* I may be unsuitable for overly
* sensitive persons with low
* self-esteem, no sense of
* humour or irrational religious
* beliefs.

As a lot of you know, I have zero tolerance for religous people when they try to shove their crap down my throat, especially when they ring the door bell while I am chilling out in my back yard. I do respect people choices and I expect them to respect mine as well except well when they try to "convert" me or preach to me.

Also, a lot of you know that when these people come to my door I usually answer the door naked (ok I am wearing socks). So, yesterday as I was enjoying the sun in the back yard with a book and a beer, the door bell rang. Of course (being Sunday) I assumed it was some religious idiot, so quietly sneak through the house take off my clothes answer the door and it was a couple of guys selling water filtration units. I told them I wasn't interested and shut the door.

Coxxorz's picture

I'm going to start doing that.

And if they hang around long enough to ask, I will tell them my religion forbids pants on Sunday.

That should both end the conversation, and make them rethink their own superstitions!

Thank you.

Swag's picture


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