You are hereDIABLO III!!!!!!!!

DIABLO III!!!!!!!!

By Stormblade - Posted on 15 May 2012

And I was out of town when it arrived ...

Hopefully the Purolator guys had fun with it. I will get it tomorrow and whatever gaming time I have will be dedicated to it. I've only been waiting since the last millennium for it ...

Coxxorz's picture

And I doubt the Purolator guy had too much fun, apparently the Diablo servers were jammed.

And Blizzard cleverly decided to take their website/forum servers offline to "help".

Swag's picture

Still wouldn't be able to play till Tuesday.

Fast forward to today when I have played it a bit only to be confronted by a couple strange events.
Namely, lag in a single player game, and everyone's favorite, not being able to connect to the battlenet servers and thus not being able to play at all.

Yay DRM.

Coxxorz's picture

This is why I don't get people who think downloading is better than owning.

Swag's picture

Most games you download that are single player don't require a persistent internet connection.

Also some distributors like Good Old Games release all their games DRM free.

And remember that when you buy a physical boxed game, you do not "own" it. It's just a license.

Coxxorz's picture

But that's a license you can sell. DRM effectively removes the right of ownership.

Same story in the music industry.

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