You are hereScout – R.I.P May 20, 2012

Scout – R.I.P May 20, 2012

By Blackwalt - Posted on 20 May 2012

Scout was barely with us. A kitten that Rolly and us picked out in December 2011. She was with us long enough for all of us to become attached.

She passed on from an ailment that the Vets were unable to diagnose. She lost the ability to use her back legs at first and it moved through her body. Steroids and antibiotics were ineffective. For the last week we have been providing extensive palliative care hoping to provide the necessary time for her to recover. Sadly it was not to be as she passed away peacefully last night surrounded by family.

She left us with many fond memories. Curling up in the bay window with Playful wrapped around her. Sitting on the red chair next to Rolly. Her incredibly soft fur. Chasing Graybush jr. around in circles until they both fell over from exhaustion. Demanding we go to bed so she could crawl under the sheets and lie down next to us.

Thank you Scout for your brief but memorable stay. We will miss you.

Coxxorz's picture

You wouldn't think she would have used up all 9 lives so fast!

Farewell, Scout.

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