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After seeing this ...

By Stormblade - Posted on 07 February 2008

There is no way I will sleep tonight.

MauriceRevek's picture

I think he was trying to tell you to get more excersise.

Swag's picture

That goes for pretty much everyone here as well.

Noir's picture

Perhaps a Canadian team should win the cup this year? That way it won't go to the White House. Sounds like a winning solution to me.

Noir's picture

Is this photoshopped or something? Certainly Bush never got so close to the Stanley Cup. He isn't even looking at it, it burns his eyes with awesomeness.

This picture just ruined my day. Albeit, any reference of "President" Bush ruins my day.

Stormblade's picture

The Stanley Cup Champion Anaheim Ducks visited the White House this week.

Pardon me, but typing that line just made me have to go to the bathroom and throw up.

Several times.

Blackwalt's picture

The Stanley Cup Champions go to the White House every year.

Coxxorz's picture

Where do the Canadian Stanley Cup Champions get to go?

Ice's picture

Since Canada's Team has not won the Stanley Cup since 1967.

Furthermore we may never know, since it appears unlikely they will ever win the Stanley cup.

*packs my Mighty Duck Jersey ontop of my Toronto Maple Leafs Jersey's*

MauriceRevek's picture

The Canadian's have won the cup many times since 1967. They have not won it since 1993. They have won it, what was it, 23 times? There was another team that played in Canada that won a cup in 1967. I think they were called the Toronto Blueshits

Stormblade's picture

Even in English, it's the Canadiens, and they've won 24 times!

And you are a Habs fan??

Coxxorz's picture

Even I knew it was Canadiens, and I don't even watch baseball!

Q-Bert's picture

you morun.

Stormblade's picture

Moron ...

Noir's picture


Blackwalt's picture
Q-Bert's picture

Wipes keyboard and screen to remove breakfast cereal.

Coxxorz's picture

I would have also accepted "Retirement Home" or "graveyard".

Stormblade's picture

It was the combination of the Ducks (thankfully no longer Mighty), the White House and Bush that my stomach just couldn't take.

That is too much for any sane person ...

... and me.

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