You are hereWe can do better than this!

We can do better than this!

By Stormblade - Posted on 13 February 2008

Sifting through CafePress stuff, I found a site full of cat t-shirts.

Why was I doing this you ask? Well, mostly because Blackwalt keeps whining about lack of content and I couldn't think of anything else!

Anyway, I realized that we could absolutely go one up on this concept, especially with our twisted, demented sense of humour and Coxxorz's ability to create such things.

So I challenge you. Come up with better cat t-shirts than this!! We can add them to the HoC store. At least I think we can.

Coxxorz, your input at this point would be handy ...

Stormblade's picture

So none of you uncreative losers have better cat t-shirt ideas than this. I'm sorry I brought it up. I thought it might challenge your brains a little.

I forgot who I was dealing with.


MauriceRevek's picture
  • Cat Piddling in Stormblade's beer.
  • Cat doing its claws on Halo 3 CD
  • Cat chassing the targetting reticule on the TV / montitor while you are trying to line up a sniper kill
  • Cat climbing on you chest and bashing its head into your face to make you pay attention to him while you are trying not to get taken down in Burnout Paradise
  • Cat pouncing on your feet as you are pressing imaginary gas peddles
  • Cat setting it's tail on fire when it gets to close to a lit scented candle.

    Not: All of the items, except for the first one, have been personally experienced by the author. Except also maybe for the second one. But all of the others are true.

  • Coxxorz's picture

    Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

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