You are hereI just spent $180 on video games

I just spent $180 on video games

By Blackwalt - Posted on 19 July 2012

$181.93 to be exact. You should do the same

Go to your local Loblaws right now! It was a gaming frenzy.

Highlights of my purchase:

  • Skylanders complete Xbox 360 for $15 (I have someone in mind for this)
  • Xbox 360 MW3 branded Wireless headset for $15 (which I don't even need!)
  • Mass Effect 3 for $15 (it has coop)
  • Assassin's Creed Revelations for $15 (that might be too much)

Special thanks to my next door neighbour who came over right away to tell me about it.

P.S.- I will entertain offers on most of these but not the DS stuff.

Akuf's picture

With my luck this is probably over since it is Friday.

Though seeing has at least four of us now that have ME3 we can probably do the coop.

Swag's picture

you buy nintendo stuff. Excellent.

As a related side note, my faith in Nintendo has wavered these past few years. Not sure what that company is doing anymore.

Coxxorz's picture

Or don't you like Lego and Pokemon games?

Coxxorz's picture

Nothing marked, anyway. Couldn't find a person anywhere to open the display case and start randomly scanning games.

Blackwalt's picture

They did say some other stores were having the sale but the only one mentioned was "I think Barrhaven."

I guess she was wrong.

I did see Crackdown 2 for $7 and now regret not getting a second copy.

Coxxorz's picture

The last time their electronics departments shrunk, it didn't happen simultaneously at all stores.

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