You are hereAn inauspicious 70G

An inauspicious 70G

By Blackwalt - Posted on 22 February 2008

That's one slick ride!That's one slick ride!70 Achievement points wouldn't normally be a big deal.

But it this case, it shows that StormBlade and MoriceRevek are losers and frankly, I am okay with that. And I am sure you are as well.

Over the past two weeks of Burnout Paradise they have been bragging. Counting down the number of races left before they earned their coveted Burnout Paradise Elite License. Bragging and counting down in their two player race between the single guys with time on their hands.

Or, they could have just learned to drive better!

License upgraded?: To what I wonder?License upgraded?: To what I wonder?

Oh Yeah: to this...Oh Yeah: to this...

Yes, Coxxorz and I had our own two player race started. "Wouldn't it be funny if one of us got to our elite license before one of them? Since, they are so far ahead?"

Oh, such simple words to start our little conspiracy. Our conspiracy of hate. Hate for Stormblade and MoriceRevek and their words of copious playing time, no commitments, and of a braggart's countdown of races completed.

Well who has completed their races now? Guess what my countdown is?

That's right, it's ZERO!!!

Zero!!!! I big whopping bunch of nothing!!

Elite License right here baby! Where the heck are you? (and you know who I mean by you) Don't worry though, you are still ahead of Q-Bert. And I have no intent to go for the Criterion Elite license so you can go for that if you like.

More pictures of my Burnout Paradise elite domination (and by domination I mean that I got there first!).

That's 70g to you Mister.That's 70g to you Mister.
The streets may not be paved of gold: but the cars sure are!The streets may not be paved of gold: but the cars sure are!
Xbox Live Official Achievement status: Blackwalt yes, Stormblade and MoriceRevek no.Xbox Live Official Achievement status: Blackwalt yes, Stormblade and MoriceRevek no.

    Graphic illustration: showing that of 11:00PM last night the two slackers still don't have their Elite license. I have the original images but the website only compares two gamertags at once and you have to scroll down several pages. I pared down 4-6 images to the one. And I only add this note to avoid the recriminations of "you can't get that web page on live. You cheated, you didn't really beat this, and if I run home right now and race for eight hours straight I can claim that I was Elite first." Well no, you can't. Suck it up big guy.

And now back to the regular programming of my life.


Wait... where did that little guy go that lives here? Don't worry Rolly, one diaper a day works just fine. I am sure. Where's your mother? When did she leave? What's that note pinned to you say? Dear John...

Oh oh...

MauriceRevek's picture

I have officialy got my Elite last night.

I still hate you.

Stormblade's picture

I can't do stunt runs. I accept it and have moved on ...

... and I still hate you.

Coxxorz's picture

Who are we hating again? I got all excited with the hatred and didn't want to feel left out...

Blackwalt's picture

I hate all of you!

Coxxorz's picture

and I stay logged in my account while Blackwalt is wandering around the office...

This is stupid on my part...

I am a moron

I am an idiot

And I should be at my desk when Blackwalt comes over at the agreed upon time to go for coffee!!!!

Coxxorz's picture

Not my fault the website keeps you logged in after closing the window. Also not my fault that someone asks me to teach them Flash on the way to the bathroom...

MauriceRevek's picture

Did you notice that the game now has 81 cars available instead of 80? Wonder what that new car is.

MauriceRevek's picture

I knew I should not have gone reffing in Monrteal last weekeng, or take a brake last night! I am 11 wins away!! Now my life has no meaning. Now I knwo why I kept seeing you and Coxxorse online but not doing any multiplayer. CHEETERS!!

Q-Bert's picture

It's "Coxxarse"...

Coxxorz's picture

No willpower to see something through to the end.

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