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The 7 Days of Halo 4! Day 5!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 November 2012

Earth Will Never Be The Same

Anime Shimmer! Blackwalt! Dark Nightowl! Graybush! Pwn Call! Shadow of Doom! Searching for player!

It certainly wasn't the usual suspects. Even Snuffy D made a guest appearance. There were Halo burgers, Halo swag, Halo Avatars and yes, even Halo 4.

A tower of Halo goodnessA tower of Halo goodness

The bottom of this tower has the quote "Earth Will Never Be The Same" which is where I stole the headline from.

While Earth may be fine after our Halo 4 XFest I am not so sure about Coxxorz' living and dining room.

We played through every available versus multi-player mode in Halo 4 and discovered an affinity for Flood Mode. Very similar to Call of Duty's Infected mode, two players start as the flood and everyone else starts with shotguns and tries to survive for two minutes. I wasn't a bad survivor but I sucked as one of the flood. Others' mileage varied.

We also enjoyed Oddball and the remake of the Valhalla map, Ragnarok, with all the vehicles involved. Included a Mantis for each team.

The Halo 4 XFest and had the most crucial ingredient of any HoC Lan Party:


Yes bacon can make any Lan Party a success.

Other random pics:


Photo bombed by that darn cookie!Photo bombed by that darn cookie!

We ate the cookie. On to serious business now.We ate the cookie. On to serious business now.

The Family room! Get it?The Family room! Get it?

Enough of the gloating Shadow of Doom. Yes you won the grand prize Warthog. Now get out.Enough of the gloating Shadow of Doom. Yes you won
the grand prize Warthog. Now get out.

Q-Bert's picture

I was playing lasertag in Montreal with two youngs chicks.

Who are my 11-year old twin nieces. Oh well.

Mind you, it was the first time I climbed up to a second story entertainment place on St-Catherine's street in Montreal, that *wasn't* a titty bar.

Coxxorz's picture

Are they any relation to Swag?

(The nieces, not the titty bars).

Swag's picture

I think.

Swag's picture

I wasn't there.

Akuf's picture

If you noticed
I was actually at another halo party difference there were geek girls at mine.

Coxxorz's picture

The people at this party will still be talking to you in a few months.

Akuf's picture

Trust me they do

And when they don't
You've heard me day this many times:

Rule number 1 of a PUA


but most people don't understand that as I found out earlier this weekend.

But like I say.... Next!

Coxxorz's picture

Any pics?

Akuf's picture

I am just waiting for them to flow in.

Also... We were playing around with the settings of the game.
We "invented" a type called "shotty snipers"

Where all you have is a shotgun and a sniper rifle with bottomless clips.
It was hoot play. In fact I kind of missed playing too.

Perhaps I will play more often.. perhaps.. definitely not going to invest in CODBO2 because I don't not want to end up in this demographic:

Q-Bert's picture


Swag's picture

with the blue hair.

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