You are hereBlack Ops 2: Network issues – take 3
Black Ops 2: Network issues – take 3
Yesterday's patch doesn't seem to be much of a fix
While 30 seems to be yesterday's magic number it wasn't all sweetness and light. All of the images (except for one) were taken on the same server which started well and then... well... ended poorly.
Oddly the Call of Duty Elite site is reporting almost all of the match results incorrectly. Good thing I have pictures. I have determined that this means reported career Kill/Death ratios are obviously off and I have no faith in other "reported" career stats either.
23-20: Elite reports 23-20 but the wrong map
Elite also reports I never played on the Express map and that this match took place on Drone. Weird. And since you don't believe me here are two screen captures from Elite as proof. Please note the second image has all the score numbers matching exactly but the map name is Drone. My picture of the scoreboard above clearly says Express and the Express tunnels are in the image background. Remember to believe everything you see on the Call of Duty Elite site because it's all fixed now.
Express dammit, Express!
What did I just tell you?
At least it isn't only the good scores that Elite gets wrong. Still not helping but...
I switched maps for this next round and joined up with friends which inexplicably seems to make a difference.
30-9 dammit! 30-9. The friends I played with seemed impressed but to be honest this is the first map that I remember moving faster than everyone else, winning every battle including ones I shouldn't have and watching the enemy move as slow as molasses. It was strange to be on the good side of network problems.
Anyway, your career stats on Elite are probably off. Most likely they are still good indicators of your career but I would expect discrepancies. It's bad enough yelling "I got that guy" during games on the Xbox. Now I have to yell it at my computer when I am looking through the Elite site.
Stupid website, "I got that guy!" Not to mention, "that's the wrong map!"
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Because I don't think a single person would have paid any money for another year of Elite membership.
Some Clan Ops and Clan Challenges still refuse to allow me to sign us up for them. They're all MW3, but still.
Which brings up the question: where are the Black Ops II events?