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Black Ops 2: The Gun Game

By Blackwalt - Posted on 29 November 2012

With your host, Coxxorz

So one of Coxxorz' favourite modes from Modern Warfare 3 was the Gun Game. Described by IGN as:

    Gun Game is a Free For All Party Playlist where players are given specific guns to use. Everyone starts out with the same gun. Each kill with the current gun will allow players to move to the next gun; however, if a player is killed with a melee attack, they will be set back to the previous gun. Get a kill with all guns to win the game.

Last night he made me play it incessantly and it is not a game mode that I do well at. Several matches after one HoC player (Coxxorz) consistently appeared on the leader board (the game displays win, place and show at the end) Coxxorz lamented that it would be good to have two HoC players on the end screen.

Well okay, but it was more luck than skill. See the top photo where I placed first for a victory and Coxxorz placed third for... well... not a victory.

Since it was a lamenting evening for Coxxorz he immediately lamented that the two HoC players needed to be first and second, with him in first of course. (of course)

Well okay...

Coxxorz first for the victory and Blackwalt second for... well... not a victory.

And the story should end here except I went and looked up our matches on the digital disaster area that Activision has the gall to call Elite.

Once again Call of Duty Elite has all the wrong information for the match.

A: defeat. B: Map, Carrier.

It was a victory (for me) and we played it on Slums. Please see the top picture for my photo of the real end game.

Although I do note that it has the scoreboard correct which was good as it was the only way I knew I was looking at the correct match as everything else was wrong.

Since you work through 20 weapons in Gun Game any score 20 or above is usually a victory. Being stabbed can set you back a gun. This is why I find it hard to believe my 21-16 score is listed as a defeat.

Mind you I have stopped believing anything that Elite says about my gaming history as it pretty much makes up whatever it feels like.

Coxxorz's picture

I also have blurry photos to corroborate this story.

Gun Game is great fun, but we also really need to play Sharpshooter. Basically everyone gets the same weapon, and it randomly changes every 45 seconds! The only thing that would make it a more perfect game for us would be if the teams randomly changed as well.

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