You are hereMr. Internet, my ass.

Mr. Internet, my ass.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 02 March 2008

So this afternoon, Q-Bert calls me. "Hi I need you to do an internet search for me."

He was at Chapters and couldn't get his PDA to work. That darn new fangled technology!

So I had to dictate (Dictate!!) so that he could write down (Handwriting!!) a list of books he had seen on Diggs . Apparently he had seen this list on that newfangled internet thing!

If only he know how to connect to an internet site and print.

The worst thing about all this was that I was his second call!!

Yes, MoriceRevek, you were the first...

Q-Bert's picture

Remember that Blackberry you gave me ? The one that is older than my daughter ? How much RAM does that thing have again ?

So, I did try to download that page but the Crackberry puked with "That page is too big for this device". Of course, that page is on Wordpress or some junk with about 10,000 ads on it.

When we set out for the day, it wasn't in the plans to stop at Chapters, so I hadn't printed the page out.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Swag's picture

And how about using something called human memory next time.

Q-Bert's picture

I found Gibson's Pattern Recognition, Bank's Consider Phlebas, and H.G. Wells' Time Machine. No sign of any Lovecraft books at Chapters, if you can believe that...

I just finished reading 6 books from Charles Stross.

Swag's picture

But since his stuff is so old (1920s), the copyright has expired and you can find most of his stuff (maybe all) on the net.

Coxxorz's picture

I thought Chapters was the place that sells $20 gift bags and Harry Potter paraphernalia...

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