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Elapsed mission time, 2.3 seconds
Countdown to Q-Bert's Artemis party #1
This is pretty much everybody's first thought after hearing Q-Bert will be commanding a starship.
Oh, and Q-Bert? Happy birthday.
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In case you guys don't know there are other missions that we can download.
Pretty sure they are only Windblows versions which means we can't have a server on an iCrap device.
Not naming anyone that may have dropped the ball *cough*Revek*cough*
Saturday, 3PM, my place. Bring XP laptops if you have any, and some chairs and small tables.
I/Revek/Blackwalt will be sending more info to everyone via email in the next few hours.
...that says "surprise" or "secret."
Because in Moricerevek's defense, I received no such notice.
I am bringing my WinBlows 8 laptop and my two iCrap devices.
WinBlows 7. No 8 until at least two SP's are released.