You are hereRainbow Six, baby!!! - NEW DATE

Rainbow Six, baby!!! - NEW DATE

By Coxxorz - Posted on 17 March 2008

Yes, it's finally here folks! Start harassing your local big box electronics store, EB Games, or video store for your copy! The official HoC gaming goodness starts Wednesday Night THURSDAY Night. That will give you AMERICAN cheaters a full day's TWO days head start on ranking up, assuming the game is released simultaneously eventually here in Canada on Tuesday Thursday.

The wise ones among us had the foresight to take advantage of another excellent promotion at Blockbuster video: trade 4 used games, get any new one FREE. If you play your cards correctly (and buy cheapass used games), this translates into a brand new game for as little as $40. The very wise among us even managed to convert that into a preorder of the aforementioned game. Although with their track record, it could be Thursday Sunday before I see my copy...

Special note to you laggards unfamiliar with the series: you can still pick up the original Rainbow Six Vegas for Xbox 360 for $39.99 from PS3 users still get to pay full price. You can thank Sony for that.

MauriceRevek's picture

EB: Eb Games. Can I help you?

Mo: Yes, I'd like to now if you have any copies of R6V2?

EB: What system?

Mo: 360

EB: Did you pre-order?

Mo: No

EB: (Maniacle laughter) *click*

Mo: hmmm

Ring Ring

EB2: EB Games. Can I help you?

Mo: I'm looking for a copy a R6V2 for 360.

EB2: Did you pre-order?

Mo: hun... No?

EB2: (Maniacle laughter) HA! We don't even have enough copies to service our pre-orders! *click*

Mo: D'oh.

Coxxorz's picture

I assume they didn't bother to tell you they don't have ANY copies, let alone non-preorders?

But seriously, when the game (eventually) comes out in Canada, go to Future Shop and get it for the cheapest price in town. They usually do a 1-day promo when a new game is launched. Pre-orders are for suckers! I only do it when there's a price incentive or good free crap involved.

Blackwalt's picture

Over the Phone with EBgames, they have the due date listed as the 20th. Not today.

This is odd as new releases are traditional on Tuesdays.

Also, their website lists it as available today although that is usually the U.S. release date.

Stormblade's picture

So I can kick all of your loser Canadian asses!!!

Blackwalt's picture

...cause we needed one more reason to hate you.

Stormblade's picture

and boy, is it bony!

Walmart didn't receive the game today. They think they'll have it tomorrow.

Sigh, I guess it's COD4 again tonight ...

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