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720 = 1 ?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 22 May 2013

So it looks like I was right after all, and other than a slight mixup in the Microsoft Math Department, the new Xbox/VCR is official.

More details to follow.

Swag's picture

While not confirmed by Microsoft, joystiq reports that Publishers and Microsoft will receive a cut of used games.

From the article: "A customer walks into a reseller with a previously purchased game disc. This can only be done at retailers that, according to MCV, have "agreed to Microsoft's [terms and conditions] and more importantly integrated Microsoft's cloud-based Azure pre-owned system into its own." The game disc, having been registered in the system, now wipes the license use from the previous owner's account so that the installed game on their Xbox One can no longer be accessed."

Doesn't seem too bad, but: "the publisher and Microsoft will now receive a cut from the sale."

Now you might think that only effects companies like EB Games, but if they were making 100% markup on used games before, and still changing 90% of the retail price, imagine what they will charge now!

Akuf's picture

I think there will be "price fixing"preventing overpricing of used games.

But this still is deal breaker for me because people still can't trade games amongst themselves.

Swag's picture

people are mad about this, keep in mind that you can't trade any mobile games you buy or games from digital distributions like Steam. Nobody complains about that.

Coxxorz's picture

There's no good reason to prevent people from transferring ownership of their disc-based media, other than the fact that you can.

Swag's picture

I am a little surprised why Microsoft even included a Blue Ray Drive. It's almost useless these days.

Coxxorz's picture

The first thing that's gonna happen when you're done "installing" a game is that you'll be required to download a mandatory 1GB "update".

If they don't want you to be able to sell your disc, and the contents of the disc are obsolete when you buy it, why bother with it at all? They should just jump straight to the Pay-Per-Play model they're obviously heading towards.

MauriceRevek's picture

It will be interesting to see how the playing field may change when Google enters the fray.

SeanmcR6's picture

An important distinction should be made.

It's not a gaming's a content console.

All the changes to the hardware are designed for multimedia content delivery, not gaming. The 360 had 512MB ram for crying out loud...the 8GB isn't for games, it's to run a mini version of Windows8!

Who would have thought that the next gens would be the death of the gaming console?!

Coxxorz's picture

I think this explains why I'm unable to think of another single console in history with as many things I don't like about it.

Sorry Microsoft, I don't want another 3DO.

MauriceRevek's picture

The three operating systems? The gaming OS, Windows 8 and The One OS that Binds Them All!

MP 1.0

My Precious.

MauriceRevek's picture

Is anybody upgrading when it comes out?

With the kind of games I play, most of them can be played on the PC. I'm really starting to wonder if it's worth continuing playing on console. They are already charging a premium price for the games just to play them on a console, now they want to remove the possibility of exchanging games. Might as well just get them from Steam and pay 10 - 20 less.

Coxxorz's picture

With the only memorable "feature" being the need to pay Microsoft to play your used games, I don't see any rational person buying one of these.

But that won't stop millions of kiddies demanding one for Xmas, finally delivering MS their DRM Kingdom.

Swag's picture

"Might as well just get them from Steam and pay 10 - 20 less."

I've been saying that for years!

Swag's picture

As seen Here:

"Xbox One games must be registered with a single-use code tied to the player's account. To install the game data on another Xbox One, the owner of the new machine pays the game's list price on Xbox Live."

The only way around this is that you can sign in to your profile on another Xbox to play the game. But forget about lending a game to your friend unless you let them hijack your profile.

And supposedly Microsoft has some kind of system to buy and sell used games, but hasn't given any details yet.

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