You are hereWhat's next, a tax for porn??

What's next, a tax for porn??

By Stormblade - Posted on 28 March 2008

The music industry thinks it would be a really neat idea to force all Internet users to pay a mandatory extra $5/mth on our ISP bill in order to have access to music. This will obviously end well.

Coxxorz's picture

We already pay a tariff on blank media, which is supposed to go to the poor starving musicians (to help pay for gold-plated M&M's), thereby making music downloads legal by default.

But you could always pray for Steve Jobs' latest plan to succeed: a one-time surcharge on the price of a new iPod to give you access to unlimited downloads for the life of the player.

Yay Steve... stick it to da man!

Noir's picture


Blackwalt's picture

I mean seriously. Declare bankruptcy now!

Q-Bert's picture

Coxxorz's picture

Porn without links is worthless. Stop teasing us!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q-Bert's picture

Won't happen again.

Coxxorz's picture

Your next post better have gallery links, or I will not be held responsible for what happens next...

Q-Bert's picture

Don't get angry... Here you go:

MauriceRevek's picture

A painful death. I see bamboo under the fingernails, mustart (combination of mustard and pop-tarts) rubbed into open wounds, chinese water torture, making you listen to akufadumai sing 'I'd be bonin every minute' over and over.

Akuf's picture

** to be sang to the theme of "if I only had a brain" **

I'd be bonin' every minute,
my corn cob always in it,
screamin' out her name

I'd be suckin' on her tit,
while I'm rubbin' down her clit,
if I only had a dame

I would whip her with a lasso,
lick her little asshole,
makin' sure she came

I'd be playin' with her boobs,
while I'm shaving off her pubes,
if I only had a dame

now, I could tell you why my dick would be so red

cuz for hours & hours she would give me head,
and then I'd come & come again

I would lick her little twat,
hit the g-spot,
make her go insane

I'd be always penetratin'
even when she's menstruatin'
if I only had a dame

Q-Bert's picture
Akuf's picture

Now all you have to do is imagine me singing that naked....


Now that I have a x360 cam you guys are in for some interesting scenes....

Blackwalt's picture

Damn you! My eyes!

Q-Bert's picture

I meant to post this, and not the above...
lolcats and funny pictures
see more crazy cat pics

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