How do you get him to leave?
Based on Personal Game Reviewer's new family member as well as the poll that followed.
I learned a few things working with Personal Game Reviewer to get the different photos of his "Keggy."
- he takes direction as poorly as anyone else here
- he is as capable of sarcasm as anyone here
- after three (or so) emails asking for more pictures he will add you to his spam filter
- bitching and whining? Yep, he can do that too
So, essentially, he fits right in with Herd of Cats.
I also learned that the man loves his kitchen and I don't expect my kitchen will ever look as nice as his. Or as clean.
Sleeping Dogs Diary: Entry #3
The lively Streets of Hong Kong
In my first Sleeping Dogs Diary entry I mentioned the sheer number of unscripted random events that happen around you in the streets of Hong Kong.
This is one of those events. Walking along the street about to take a cab I discovered the police had taped off a corpse by the side of the road. They were standing above the body discussing what may have happened.
Question of the day: What Should Blackwalt Do With All of His Rye
Why... Play the Accordion of course.
HoC Random "mashup of Graybush's favourite things" - 01172013
Don't tell Graybush but it will be available as a T-shirt shortly
Will go on sale at NOWHEREbad tomorrow noon for $12 US.
Via Hot Chicks in Star Wars Shirts. Don't ask.
Why oh why
Why did I have to find out about this?
Alert reader Shadow of Doom (not his real name) texted me over XBL to check out the controversy surrounding the upcoming Dead Island Riptide release. It didn't take much Googling to spot the cause: a limited "Zombie Bait" edition contains a zombie – erm... bust, of sorts.
Sleeping Dogs Diary: Entry #2
Yet another Police chase
You start the game in your apartment and when you leave your apartment there is a parking garage right across from you. To get a vehicle you can talk to the attendant and he will retrieve one for you. Or...
Why Programmers Work At Night
I randomly stumbled upon this article over at Business Insider, and think it describes me - and I'm certain some of you - to a T:
"A popular saying goes that programmers are machines that turn caffeine into code.
And sure enough, ask a random programmer when they do their best work and there’s a high chance they will admit to a lot of late nights. Some earlier, some later. A popular trend is to get up at 4am and get some work done before the day’s craziness begins. Others like going to bed at 4am.
At the gist of all this is avoiding distractions. But you could just lock the door, what’s so special about the night?"
They bring up some interesting points to explain the phenomenon, including a concept called "The Maker's Schedule".
Read the full article here.
Also, the picture made me think of Stormblade for some reason.
Sleeping Dogs Diary: Entry #1
An Unexpected Development
I have been playing Sleeping Dogs for a few days now and I am really starting to enjoy it. The best facet of the game is the liveliness of Hong Kong and the sheer number of unscripted random events that happen around you.
This story has nothing to do with those.
There are three main types of missions in Sleeping Dogs: Triad, Police and Civilian. Last night I was doing a civilian a favour. A friend of my character can not drive and keeps using me as his get away driver.
I just finished purchasing a Hipster suit jacket and tie and walked out of the clothing store to a cat call of "it takes some guts to wear that" when I saw my buddy standing there with the Civilian Mission icon over his head. So I spoke to him.
He said for me to wait there a moment and then ran into the store I had just left and opened up with a assault rifle leveling everyone in the place. He then ran out of the store, climbed into a car and screamed "let's go!"