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Akuf's blog


By Akuf - Posted on 24 January 2012

As I was posting this morning. In the "Random HoC Image thing this pic came up:

Of course I was curious because I thought I have never seen this before and there is some kind of writing on it so perhaps it will make me laugh (it did). However, uh, why me?

Proud to Say

By Akuf - Posted on 24 January 2012

I am proud to say that I am old enough and geeky enough to understand this photo...

From: The panic attack diaries

I seriously LOL'd

By Akuf - Posted on 23 January 2012

From: George Takei's Facebook page

Volkswagen Bark Side

By Akuf - Posted on 19 January 2012

Pretty sure it's fake but still fun to watch!

Programming Achievements!

By Akuf - Posted on 19 January 2012

Though I did laugh at this in the beginning.

I can see how this can be a motivator or inhibit "friendly" competition in a work place.

These were my favorites:


Mass Effect 3 Kinect Enabled

By Akuf - Posted on 18 January 2012

This makes me look forward to it even more!!
Revek, SeanMCR are you ready?

Having played some of it for ourselves at CES last week, it's clear that BioWare's done a good job of getting the technology to play nicely with its sci-fi shooter action sequences. Pretty much everything you choose to do can be done from the radial menu with your voice. And in a nice touch, you can say "quick save" to make the game, well, quick save. Take that F6 key!

But there is something odd about voice commands in Mass Effect 3. It's something that makes you take a step back and think, "Maybe I should tone it down a bit." See, you're supposed to be role playing as Commander Shepard, right? So isn't it a little weird to shout "shotgun!" to switch to your boomstick, or "incendiary ammo!" to switch to fire bullets? At that point, aren't you kind of yelling at yourself?

The Kinect voice commands are great for issuing squad orders. If James is playing it too safe, you can yell "James attack!" and he'll charge forward just as you commanded. If you need to get at an enemy pinned behind cover, you can shout "Liara lift!" and she'll instantly turn your foes into a bunch of helplessly floating bull's-eyes. It works; it feels natural. You're Shepard commanding your troops like the space general you are.

But yelling at yourself to open a door instead of hitting the A button per the giant onscreen button prompt? That's a little weird. There's some mild mental instability bubbling beneath the surface there. But, hey, maybe it's just us. Take a look at the demo below and let us know what you think of Mass Effect 3's voice commands in the comments.

EDIT: I guess I should have mentioned there is a video on the link below


Skyrim Macho Man Mod

By Akuf - Posted on 17 January 2012

Internet Super Heroes

By Akuf - Posted on 10 January 2012

Game Developer Sentenced to Death in Iran..

By Akuf - Posted on 09 January 2012

Kuma CEO Keith Halper previously told Gamasutra the release had an impact in Iran: "There were hundreds of thousands of downloads in Iran. We were denounced by name in the newspaper controlled by the supreme Ayatollah as a possible precursor to real US policy, which is absurd on the face of it, but speaks to the great power of real-time video games as a storytelling medium."

Halper also admitted to Kotaku editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo in 2006 that his company has previously accepted contract work to develop training software for the U.S. army as a side project. However, he did not state that the developer is bankrolled by the CIA or any other U.S. government organization to produce the Kuma\War series or other titles that Kuma released for consumers.

In addition to his confession that was published by Tehran Times, Hekmati appeared on Iranian state television in December and claimed to have been sent to the country by the CIA. He said his mission was to infiltrate Iran's intelligence ministry by providing them with information, gain their trust, and eventually report his findings to the U.S.'s own intelligence agency.


I wonder who...

By Akuf - Posted on 06 January 2012

I wonder who will be the first HoCer to get these?
Revek? Blackwalt? whoever?

Zombies biggest Fear or Hope?

By Akuf - Posted on 04 January 2012

First Person Shooter Disease

By Akuf - Posted on 30 December 2011

How many of you will get diagnosed with this?



By Akuf - Posted on 23 December 2011


And if I was a good graphic artist I would also add Coxxorz + Stormblade + Blackwalt = Rebecca Black

Religious Freedom

By Akuf - Posted on 21 December 2011

From: George Takei's facebook page

Adventures of Aku

By Akuf - Posted on 21 December 2011

Episode: Remember to remove the Labels

Back in November I had a job interview with a Gaming/Multimedia/Marketing/Production company.
The "Middleman" specifically instructed me NOT wear a suit and to wear a gaming type t-shirt if I had one.

Well, I don't own any gaming type tshirts because as I told many (read Revek) of you before wearing any kind of gaming attire is a fashion faux pas, so I asked if I can wear my Gears of War costume. They said it would be a bit much.

So, I called the resident expert (read Revek) on where to obtain a gaming t-shirt. He mentioned a few places including Walmart, though I have this thing about giving Walmart money but after going to several other places I was left with no choice.

So I bought an Assassin's creed t-shirt....

At the job interview...
The two guys that interviewed me one is a two, soon to be three time published author of programming books. And the other actually worked at Apple to help develop the original Mac, so I thought holy crap I really have to impress these guys.

Everyting went well, that is until the end, as I am walking out of the boardroom the Former Apple guy (who is Russian) stops me and says: "I can not let you leave with this on." Reaches on my shirt and removes the "XXL" sticker from it. I can feel the redness creep up on my face and thinking ok this it. I messed up.

They sent me a test to write. Sent it back. Two days later I got the job...

And I am starting on January 3rd..

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