You are hereHappy Birthday Coxxorz!
Happy Birthday Coxxorz!
U suck!!
Snuffy D, Hardw00d, and I pieced together a DVD cover of Grand Theft Auto IV and put it onto a green DVD case as a gift. The case contained a Future Shop gift card with the instructions "only for GTA IV".
Knowing him, however, I expect he will ignore us and blow it all on clearance HD DVDs instead. Either way I expect that at least one of us will be buying Grand Theft Auto IV eventually.
So Happy Birthday to him.
The text on the back is mostly a synopsis of the comments from our earlier GTA IV story and reads:
- Grand Theft Auto IV Multiplayer Modes Fact Sheet – It sounds like GTA-IV has all of the missing elements of Burnout: Paradise City. I too was a GTA franchise avoider, but with the descriptions that you have mentioned, this is Burnout with guns. And we have spent a large amount of time playing Burnout, now if we add guns to the mix, this could be a very fun game. MoriceRevek. I hate to agree, but... The one thing that keeps bugging me about playing Burnout is the constant, overwhelming urge to get out of my car and beat Revek savagely about the head with a baseball bat. Coxxorz. Weeell. Now you can. Not only can you take me out of my car and beat me sensless with a baseball bat, but you can point an uzi in the window, and just fire away. Or fire ATG missils from your attack chopper at my car from a nice safe distance and watch my car do cartwheels in the air. But why limit yourself to only shooting at me? With the new Hot Bert patch, you will be able to shoot at me while ducking naked Q-Berts running around painted in red. Or the Hot Walt patch, where anything you say will be corrected immediatly, all the while blinding you with the 25000 candle reflection from the top of his head. Or the Hot Adumay patch where there will be an annoying gnat flying around you screaming GAY GAY GAY in your ear. Or the Hot Blade.... Hot Storm.... Hot Blorm.. Yeah, that one is better. Hot Blorm patch where the game will stop at the most unnoportune moments with the message: gotta get some beer, whith a picture if a giant bird flipping hand splashed on your screen. Or the Hot Sorz patch.... I guess that one speeks for itself, and requires no further embelishment. MoriceRevek. It has become clear. We must own this game!!! Of course, I hope I won't be required to do 'team' things to complete challenges because the odds are I will be spending every freaking moment hunting Revek down. Here Revek, Revek, Revek ... StormBlade. We'll buy the game, run it on your system, and take pictures of your battered corpse. Coxxorz. Happy Birthday to You!!!! Happy Birthday to You!!!! From Blackwalt, Snuffy D, Hardw00d and families.
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Just kidding. But I did pick up Blue Planet on HD-DVD for $11.99 today. Score!
BB or FS?
I got Merivale BB to price match South Keys FS.
Of the image so that I can put it on my wall in my office / gaming room.
We're going to be sending you weekly collages of your beaten and battered body show you can display those.
That much closer to the Geritol and the Depends!!!
Ah the things we look forward to.
Yeah.... I'm not there yet.