You are hereA Coxxorz moment with Far Cry 4

A Coxxorz moment with Far Cry 4

By Blackwalt - Posted on 02 August 2015

Far Cry 4 Diaries #1

    Coxxorz: "There is no way I am leaving this ATV behind."

    Blackwalt: "Nice parking Louise."

Far Cry 4 has taken over as Coxxorz and I's open world screwing around game. The co-op is limited in some ways. The progress only counts for the Host and no campaign missions. This still leaves us with may options as everything else is available.

Generally though, we just screw around.

This is the ending of a Armed Escort mission which involved driving down the river in a PT boat while fighting off the Kyrat Royal Army.

Our first attempt started with Coxxorx driving his ATV off the dock onto the boat. I had already bailed out. As I was trying to get a picture of him and his ATV the boat drove off, starting the mission without me. I did not make my attempted jump from the dock...

The blue carat is Coxxorz in the boat. To be fair the captain (AI) of the boat yelled "man overboard!" He did not stop or anything but he did yell it out.

We started over.

No ATV this time. During the initial part of the drive the captain acted as a tour guide, "If you look over to the right you will see one of our beautiful Kyrat temples. Take a picture if you like."

We finished the fairly short mission with success. Coxxorz was on the mounted machine gun and I used the provided grenade launcher. There were many explosions and some fires.

It was when we finished the Coxxorz found another ATV and was determined to get it on the boat. I managed to get video of this one (top of story).

Yep, that is Coxxorz on an ATV on a boat.

We discovered several new things in Far Cry 4:

  • if you set a bear on fire you will get chased by a bear on fire. Which, yes, is worse than I normal bear not on fire.
  • If you run over a flame thrower heavy in a car, the flame thrower heavy will die but the car, the driver, and the unfortunate passenger will all be lit on fire
  • better weapons from a further advanced player can be passed down to the other player. Who then forgets to add a silencer and warns the entire fortress defense that they are under attack with his first shot
  • we will be doing this again
Stormblade's picture

You guys know there is an actual PLOT to this game, don't you?

BTW, can you play co-op in the arena? I've always felt it would have been more fun playing co-op.

Coxxorz's picture

Your argument is invalid.

Blackwalt's picture

Plus no co-op campaign mode.

That is the one thing missing. We can not follow the plot in co-op. No missions at all.

Hence, screwing around.

You can take fortresses, radio towers, and outposts but they are only unlocked in the hosts map. Second player gets none of them.

Also Kyrat Fashion campaigns can be done together but only the host gets credit and only the host can skin the target. Who we usually call Steve.

Coxxorz's picture

Maybe a bit less fire this time.

Although I wonder if a rhinoceros will burn...

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