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Tonight's game... GTA4!
So playing GTA 4's many multiplayer adversarial modes is quite enjoyable... once you remove the other teams from the picture. Well not remove them entirely, just their voices. As we discovered a few days ago, there are a lot of assholes out there. No, really! But someone thought it would be funny to configure the server so that all teams could hear each other during the game. This quickly had us questioning the blatant lack of a MUTE feature, let alone a BOOT button.
But last night was fun! It is abundantly clear that there are people playing out there who have even less of a clue what they're doing than we do. So what better way to play than have an all-HoC match with as many teams of 2 that we can muster? Honestly, running around carrying out the Big Boss' instructions in calamitous death squads is definitely the best mode we've found so far. And there are still more modes to discover! What say you?!
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I have really gone from mild dislike to outright loathing this game.
But it's going to be idiot-free! At least free of idiots we don't know...
I bailed on Troll so I could attempt to join you. After some mildly amusing running around and killing each other for no good reason, I hung in there as we attempted to join some multiplayer games. Only to find out you could only have 4 people on a team. After testing this a couple of times and finding the fifth member of our team consistently entering the game alone, I graciously gave up my spot and returned to COD4, moving up another Prestige level.
The sacrifices I have to make for you guys ...
But not very hard! We were prepared to cut Sin Throttle loose (he laughs too much anyway), or at least his friend, but you were already gone.
If more of you bums had actually made the effort to play like Stormblade did (and he hates the game!) we wouldn't have had to resort to our "B-list" friends to fill out the team. Two-on-two (or 2 on 2 on 1) is just not enough players to run a private server.
I think there's only a couple multiplayer game modes left before we make a definitive judgement on GTA4, but the fact that we're reserving judgement in the first place is not a good sign.
...does this mean GTAIV is gonna get shelved?
I was thinking more on the lines of melting it into an ashtray or something. Even for $70, it may be worth it.
IRON MAN last night. Which, by the way, was a very good movie. I did see the preview for the new Adam Sandler movie, which I think will also be a very good movie.
I must say, I am enjoying this new taxi simulator very much. Drive to someplace, pick up shmuck, drive to another place, drop off said schmuck.
Is it me, or are the graphics reaaaly sub par on Great Taxi simulAtor IV? Whenever I drive my car, everything hazes over, and it feels like I am looking at things through a sheet of water.
"Whenever I drive my car, everything hazes over, and it feels like I am looking at things through a sheet of water."
Are you sure you're not a woman?
I am a Japanese collectible battle creature. See Drawn Together - episode where Ling Ling goes to DMV for his drivers license for further explanation.
Poor poor Revek, what a day.
We all know how good a judge of movies you are....