You are hereBusted!!


By Stormblade - Posted on 28 May 2008

Noir's picture

one of the greatest foods. Side by side with the greatest animal, a cat.

Ratzorz's picture

HA! Only a stupid feline would get caught in the act. A crack team of Ninja Rats would have that place cleaned out and gone before the humans ever noticed.

Except for the ginger root. It gives me gas.

Q-Bert's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

And there is a cat. The missing item had fish. Do the math.

Coxxorz's picture

How could someone possibly tell a single thing is missing from that spread, unless they made it? Other than the fact there is a cat present, therefore making theft a mathematical certainty...

MauriceRevek's picture

is in the 3rd column from teh left, in the middle. You can see some kind of wet spot where it omce was. (Let the flamming begin)

Akuf's picture

If you look at the 'open' spaces I can see 9 possible missing pieces of sushi

In the first wooden serving tray:
In the second column it appears to have 5 missing pieces

In the second wooden serving tray:
the first column (or third according to Revek) there appears to be 1 missing piece.
In the 4th, 5th, 6th columns also seem to be missing a piece for a total of 3

For a grand total of 9 pieces.

MauriceRevek's picture

The spot that I have Identified has a big wet spot there, indicating that there was something there that is no longer there. And yes, I was indicating the first column of the second board. I was counting from columns, not boards. The middle column on the first board does seem to have a bit of wetness towards the top, indicating that there may have been something there, but the other 3 columns are dry, therefore, the chances of there having been any items there is greatly reduced.

Now having not seen what the original layout was, we can say with approximatly 95% certainty that 1 piece was eaten out of the 3rd column, about 65% chances 5 pieces were eaten out of the second column, and maybe 10% that an additional 3 pieces were eaten from the first row (last row if you look from the cats perspective)

Don`t argue with a Libra. Ask Q-Qert. I`ve been annoying him for 40 years.

Q-Bert's picture

Has he ever.

MauriceRevek's picture

Oy Vey

Akuf's picture

Cat parts...

Yeah I know sushi is Japanese..

I am just saying it has happened before...

Stormblade's picture

and you didn't. Do you need me to send a ritual knife, or will any old household knife do?

Noir's picture

I was distracted by the sushi, I admit I too didn't get it. Probably a good thing since I would have shat bricks.

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