You are hereLife of the party at Blackwalt's Annual Cottage Weekend

Life of the party at Blackwalt's Annual Cottage Weekend

By Blackwalt - Posted on 04 July 2008

Stormblade couldn't make it this years but his camera did...

Yes this is delayed, sorry.

When Stormblade last visited us in February he vanished quickly once again from our lives. Swiftly and with no trace of his presence. Except for the slight odour (of brimstone!) and, is that... yes, his digital camera.

And while Stormblade could not join us for this year's cottage weekend his camera came with us and joined in the wild weekend parties.

After driving with Blackwalt: I need this beerAfter driving with Blackwalt: I need this beer

Now this: is what cottage life is all aboutNow this: is what cottage life is all about

Horsey time!Horsey time!

Classic rock, classic rock... ooh Abba!: "...see that girl, watch that scene,..."Classic rock, classic rock... ooh Abba!: "...see that girl, watch that scene,..."

Hitting the beach: gotta apply that sunscreenHitting the beach: gotta apply that sunscreen

Catching some rays: Oh baby, that's nice.Catching some rays: Oh baby, that's nice.

Ouch!: a little help here!Ouch!: a little help here!

Time for some UnoTime for some Uno

Keeping my strength up: with some healthy snacks.Keeping my strength up: with some healthy snacks.

Baking time... ice cream cake: This half is mine!Baking time... ice cream cake: This half is mine!

What the?: How come I'm always stuck at the kids table?What the?: How come I'm always stuck at the kids table?

Making sure my drink is full: before the card game startsMaking sure my drink is full: before the card game starts

Asshole again!: Damn that BlackwaltAsshole again!: Damn that Blackwalt

Q-Bert's picture

It's with stories like these that I dread we will make Digg one day. Then *poof* will go the server...

Stormblade's picture

When, quite obviously, my camera had way more fun than I did that weekend.

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