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The more I see it, the more I am amazed.
(For Blackwalt's sake I've made this a new blog)
This is in reply to last article about Coxxors 360 red ringing
I absolutely fail to comprehend how you guys can, time and time again, continue to contribute and support Microsoft’s Xbox 360. How much extra money have you spent repairing your Xbox 360s? Even more important is the shear amount of time lost having to wait to get it repaired.
Some of you I know have come up with a costly, to say the least, solution of buying not one but 2 systems. The fact that you are so sure your system will die, yet you choose to still purchase one, is absurd. Of course most people will just wait it out for the month it takes to repair it, but that’s a month of no Xboxing.
The system in question has been out for 3 years and yet there are still hardware issues. Hardware issues that should never have been allowed to get by QA in the first place. Sony’s PS3 had an overheating issue, but that was fixed promptly. Nintendo Wii had their remote strap issue which was also fixed promptly. Yet to this day 360s are still RRoDing, bullocks.
Clearly Microsoft is either to incompetent to actually fix the problem or they just don’t give a damn. I believe it is probably a bit of both.
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This first article sounds like I myself wrote it. Points out exactly what I am talking about. If Microsoft just fixed the problems everyone will be happy.
And this is just an internal link in that article, analysis of all the 360s issues (6 pages):
Cost of repairing: $0.
Second console: Would have bought anyway, to have one in each location I regularly play. Did the same with previous generation.
Still issues: perhaps, but mine was a first generation unit.
Contribute? MS loses money on each console sold. I'm doing my share.
To put it in terms you're clearly familiar with: I have an upstairs and downstairs hooker that someone subsidized me to buy. I only feed them once in a while, but if one dies, she gets replaced for free. Even the burial is included.
"Contribute? MS loses money on each console sold. I'm doing my share."
A damn good point frankly, and also that money Microsoft looses because of the outrageous warranty failures too.
Although, I am sure you where not happy when your Xbox 360 did die, or the time you had to wait for it to repair. Which is a loss for you in the end.
The PS3 is expensive and sucks, the Wii, despite now having a viable hockey game, sucks, PC games suck and there's not much else. So, I for one will take my XBox 360 and its issues long before I would consider the other crap that's out there.
I thought the PS3 was on par (almost) with 360? Although, I guess Microsoft is just about to do another price cuts, since their system isn't selling.
What do you not like about PC again? Sounds to me like almost all the games you play are also available on PC.
Then you are too lazy to walk upstairs (or downstairs) everytime you want to play your Xbox 360 so you need one at both locations?
And if there were any good games on the PS3, you would understand.
Atleast there is one thing we ALL have in common. Our hatred for PS3. The last I heard about anything for PS3 was when the Metal Gear Solid was released.
You find this hooker you really like and keep paying for her services. The only problem is that %35 of the time she will simply take your money and kick you square in the nuts, yet for some odd reason you continue to use that hookers services.