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Noir's blog

Battlestar Galactica episode 13: The Oath

By Noir - Posted on 04 February 2009

This latest season has started up a bit slow, with the first two episodes laying the ground work, but I think BSG is back on track with this latest episode. Read more

PC truly does beat all

By Noir - Posted on 30 December 2008

You all know that if I ever where to find an article such as this I would be forced to post it. Since 95% of my gaming time is spent on the glorious PC.

15 Reasons PC Gaming Beats All

I particularly like points 5, 9, and 12.

Console LANs now mirroring PC LANs

By Noir - Posted on 22 December 2008

On my walk to work this morning I was thinking about the awesome Left 4Dead LAN party we had at Revek’s house last month. Read more

Something we can All agree on for once

By Noir - Posted on 16 December 2008

This article brought a smile to my face this morning, and I thought I would share it:

PS3 is a piece of crap

Heroes: Our Father

By Noir - Posted on 15 December 2008

Well it has been a awhile since we have talked Heroes on this site. So here is the latest review for eps. 12.

Spoilers Alert, of course. Read more

Black Friday? Well the Wii is coloured White

By Noir - Posted on 12 December 2008

Funny that the "shittiest" console seemed to have DOUBLED it's sales during, yes it's true, black friday last month.

Over 2 Million sold. See for yourself

Oh and the DS sold 1.5 million.

Never go one-on-one with a Smoker zombie by yourself

By Noir - Posted on 24 November 2008

So there I was, the might Smoker class zombie following behind the group of Survivors going through the metro-train level of Left 4 Dead PC. I was being aided by 3 of my friend zombies, whom where are in front of the Survivors waiting to ambush these noobs. Now, I was being a bit ballsy, following quite close. The rear guard saw me right when they where going down into the first main section of the level (the toll-both area, about 15% of the way into the level). So I quickly back up, not wanting them all to turn and destroy me. To my delight the rear guard starts to chase me, so I run. Read more

My wish has come true!

By Noir - Posted on 23 October 2008

Remember how I created an article a couple months ago wishing that they just make a Linux console... well my dream has come true. Didn't expect it to be so soon.

Linux Gaming Console

Next wish ... time to aim higher. Perhaps the abolishment of organized religion? Vive la Science.

Well we all know that this is true

By Noir - Posted on 23 October 2008


Pictures speak louder then words.

HoCs Chat?

By Noir - Posted on 22 October 2008

Does anyone actually use the chat on the site? A simple question really.

Heroes: Angels and Monsters

By Noir - Posted on 16 October 2008

Well seems like Q-bert is out for the week. Therefore I shall do the honours of starting off the review thread for Heroes S03 E05.

I really didn't like this episode at all. Let me tell you why. Read more

Linux Console

By Noir - Posted on 16 September 2008

I think that the Linux Community needs to unite, form Devastator, and create the greatest of all console systems for the next gen.

Someone should do a mock up of how it would look.

The more I see it, the more I am amazed.

By Noir - Posted on 12 September 2008

(For Blackwalt's sake I've made this a new blog)

This is in reply to last article about Coxxors 360 red ringing

I absolutely fail to comprehend how you guys can, time and time again, continue to contribute and support Microsoft’s Xbox 360. How much extra money have you spent repairing your Xbox 360s? Even more important is the shear amount of time lost having to wait to get it repaired. Read more

Xbox Put, a sport I can get into

By Noir - Posted on 18 August 2008

This absolutely just made my day, probably my week frankly.

As a matter of fact I hope they put this in the Olympics one day because I was really damn good at shot-put back in school.

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