You are hereXbox Live Downtime... does Microsoft really profit?

Xbox Live Downtime... does Microsoft really profit?

By Blackwalt - Posted on 24 September 2008

Oh no! This guy uses math!

We all know about the scheduled Xbox Live outage this monday, September 29th.

Negative Gamer has a write up on the cost effects to Xbox Live gold subscribers.

His conspiracy theory is the down time on Live is designed to take our money. The gall Microsoft! The gall!

Okay, time for Swag and Noir to go nuts in the comments.

Coxxorz's picture

Swag and Noir couldn't be here tonight, so I'll accept this award on their behalf...

He is using flawed logic to make an antagonistic point to create heated discussion on his website (hint: it's called NEGATIVEgamer, not IntelligentGamer).

There is no new money generated from downtime. They just get out of having to deliver that many dollars worth of their admittedly overpriced service.

Stormblade's picture

If you buy it on eBay

eBay! eBay! eBay!

Coxxorz's picture

I was channeling Noir and Swag.

And it is somewhat overpriced (although not as bad as it was). And no, I don't pay retail for it either. Anybody who can't find it on sale for at least 15% off within a frigging YEAR deserves to pay full price.

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