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Black Friday? Well the Wii is coloured White

By Noir - Posted on 12 December 2008

Funny that the "shittiest" console seemed to have DOUBLED it's sales during, yes it's true, black friday last month.

Over 2 Million sold. See for yourself

Oh and the DS sold 1.5 million.

Noir's picture

With all counter comments that Swag made. Nothing else I can think of except that you guys just hate Wii for no good reason (like racism).

Coxxorz's picture

But where is the chart for total games sold per platform? Just because a console is sold doesn't mean someone is playing it. I guarantee most of them are gifts anyway.

I think it's telling that Nintendo's top selling "game" is Wii Fit. And I'm curious how many people receiving that $150 footrest will then realize they need a console to go with it...

Swag's picture

"Over 91 million units of software have been sold on the Xbox 360, with 27 million units of that software being sold so far in 2008. For the Wii, around 69 million units of software have been sold with just over half of those sales from this year."

Again keep in mind that the Wii has been out for far less time than the Xbox 360.

Stormblade's picture

Being the best or the worst console has absolutely nothing to do with how many are sold. Wiis sell because parents are buying them for their snot-nosed tots in order to get the little snowflakes out of their hair. They don't buy XBox 360s because they would rather not have their aforementioned snowflakes shooting Nazis or zombies, or both.

The fact the graphics suck and the games are beyond lame has nothing to do with why they are buying them. If you want a real gaming console, you aren't buying a Wiinie.

Unless you're you.

Swag's picture

then would would anyone (including kids) want to play them?

Why do you think that having graphics that aren't top of the line makes games inferior to ones that do? You shouldn't be playing Uno if that's the case.

Have you even played any games for the Wii?

I've seen several Adults buy Wii fit, for example, and you can bet that it's not just for their "snot-nosed tots".

The 'best' or 'worst' console is of course a subjective concept. The Xbox 360 sucks because of it's crap hardware, the Wii sucks because of it's limited online infrastructure, and the PS3 just sucks. But it really depends on what you like, as I've said many times. Besides, the Wii and Xbox don't really compare, apples and oranges here. Comparing the PS3 and the Xbox 360 on the other hand, is a valid comparison.

But from a business standpoint ("I don't care, I don't sell consoles!", right), the Wii and DS are generating a lot of money for the game industry as a whole. And in light of the recent economic problems, this is a very good thing for everyone (although several analysts have said that the game industry is 'recession-proof'). Imagine if Nintendo wasn't here, the Xbox 360 and PS3 are not selling spectacularly, and I predict that there would be far less investments and studios making games for consoles.

To put it bluntly, Nintendo is saving your ass.

Stormblade's picture

I imagine on a daily basis, and have for years, how much better the world would be without Nintendo.

And yes, unfortunately, I have been exposed to the disease that is the Wii.

I've recovered though.

Swag's picture

Just imagine a world without an analog stick, rumble function, D-pad, and just innovation in general.

Swag's picture

But I still have a DS.

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