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BSG Ep1 and Ep2 Review ** SPOILERS **

By Akuf - Posted on 28 January 2009

So, seeing as how I forgot to set my recording device I actually downloaded the episodes in very poor quality. But I think that was probably the high point. But then I could help but want to take a red hot fireplace poker and shove it where the sun don't shine because it would have been less painful. (ok Revek have your fun)

Did they hire soap opera writers???
Holy crap, I sorry to say that I was annoyed with over melodramatic BS.

I was intrigued with the fact that the 4 'new' cylons were from earth and when they were down there a lot of supposed memories came back to them.

But then I was ready to take the aforementioned poker and impale myself when:

- The whole thing Starbuck 'crashed' and she is now going through this melodramatic who am I? BS
- Colonel Tye envisioning Ellen as the '5th'
- This whole elderly sexual relationship between Adama and Roslin has a crappy soap opera feel to it.
- Like Colonel Tye and Six's child? I was ready to stick a railroad spike through my through my throat to prevent from puking.
- And ooo...Lt Geta and Tom Sarek are in cahoots now, to bring down Adama and the President.
- And of course the high point Lt. Duala off's herself because she found a bunch of jacks on Earth's surface. Which causes Adama to become a alcoholic and tries to get Tye to shoot him because 'Adama doesn't have the guts to off himself' according to Tye.

But being a die hard BSG fan I am still a little biased so I rate both episodes 3/5

MauriceRevek's picture

I am reserving comment to see where they are going with the story line. Although it is very melodramatic right now, but if you take it in context with what has transpired, i.e. Earth is a devastated nuclear waste land from 2000 years ago, and that the 13th colony turned out to be a Cylon colony, it does justify what is happening to the personel. They have all had a mass phsychotic breakdown, as the traveling that they have done for the past 4 years is all for nothing.

Stavr0's picture

Oh that's easy, just rate everything 4/5 then ripoff the IMG from Blackwalt's review.

.. or ...

Use src=""
where N is a number from 1 to 5

... and back on topic: These last episodes of BSG make Grave of the Fireflies seem like a happy fun time family movie.

Stavr0's picture

.. what about 0 paws out of five, for reviewing Wii games?

Coxxorz's picture

But there are no Wii games worth reviewing, so it's a moot point.

Akuf's picture

There is only one
No More Heroes

Soon there may be two

Though it looks really cool. I won't buy until I know.
Man I wish I was Noir and Swag's age; then I would really appreciate the Wii. However, my twister parties have somehow always gravitated towards the Wii. Nothing like playing naked boxing with a girl who can't even keep her hands up.

Which BTW, my next twister party is coming soon. If you guys (or genderly confused) would like to attend let me know. It may be on the infamous March 14th. if you don't already know that day has much significance for many males around the world (except for some notable members on this site and others of course). I had a lot of fun last year on March 14th.

PS Last time I was at Revek's place I had to explain March 14th to him. He laughed uncontrollably ** ahem **.
I would tell you all about March 14th here, but because of one of my New Year's Resolutions (ie being more politically correct) I will refrain.

And yes there is potential for some flaming here let's see who is swift enough to pick it up.

Akuf's picture

can't even keep her hands up.

What I meant to say was can't get her hands in front of her

Q-Bert's picture

Ah yes, the infamous Pi Day. Know throughout the Geek world as one of the best times to "really get down" and "draw those perfect circles". Ah yes, good times.

I am sure a few others things happened that day too.

Stavr0's picture
Coxxorz's picture

How come we never got to put on plays like that in school?

Akuf's picture

video is pretty funny too.

Akuf's picture

I would have done that...
But I would get in trouble

heck I probably got in trouble for saying:

can't even keep her hands up.

What I meant to say was can't get her hands in front of her

Akuf's picture

Look harder

Coxxorz's picture

Oh wait– that's when Q-Bert's kids are out of school...

Akuf's picture

Aren't there any N.5 images? (where N is the number from 1 to 5)

Coxxorz's picture

Frankly, if you can't commit to a 4 or 5 stars, what's the point?

Akuf's picture

the decimal between
the 0 and the 1
the 1 and the 2
the 2 and the 3
the 3 and the 4
the 4 and the 5

MauriceRevek's picture

Meow that, so that the cat can understand?

Coxxorz's picture

Try giving your cat 0.1 servings of supper, and see if it understands.

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