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Childhood wisdom
So on the drive home with Rolly last night we started talking about serious subjects.
"Is daddy funny?"
"Is Rolly funny?"
"Is mommy funny?
"Who is funny?"
Stormblade is funny. (using his real name obviously)
- Well, Rolly would know funny.
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Yeah, but what you didn't say was that Rolly's hand was twisting in the air next to his temple when he said that last sentence...
Ha Ha, Ho Ho, Hee Hee
In some places even Santa can't say 'ho'
lol, I heard about this nonsense. Poor Santa can't laugh no more. What next? Easter's mascot won't be a bunny anymore because we all know the saying about bunnies breeding and that implies sex to children; therefore, the new Easter mascot will be a rock. Thats right a rock. Done, I have saved humantity yet again.