You are hereZero Punctuation does Saints Row 2
Zero Punctuation does Saints Row 2
Because I know you missed it
By the way, Zero Punctuation's “Game of the Year”? Saints Row 2. Just saying...
And, more specifically, one of The Escapist's “Five Faves of 2008″
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Since I said it right here:
Of course nobody listens to me....I guess I don't speak retard as well as you guys.
But I'm with Stormy here, I'm not shelling out 60$ for this. However, I might consider renting it.
Even a moron can see it has merits.
One of the Wonder Brothers is recommending it. That pretty much makes it a guaranteed pass.
I watched Revek as he was 'Hoing' on the game and I had nightmares.
Was because of the bad chicken I fed you.
Fool me once (GTA IV), shame on you.
Fool me twice (Saints Row 2), shame on me.
Or check for a demo.
Definitely rent it. Tonight.
Me and Blackwalt need to get more of you chowderheads online with this so we can properly test the multiplayer modes. Co-op campaign is great, but it's only two players. Maybe tonight? I have some spare time off from my freelance for a change, and might not be available Wednesday.
And sorry about GTA4... we kinda got outta hand with the hype leading up to that one. But this is different! We got it based on its merits, and we con prove it to you.
Maybe tonight?
Is large power tools. Otherwise, I don't rent.
I have a new wireless network adapter to try out! What better way than with a bat over your head to test latency?
I have an urge to try this game.
You can take my spot.
Has a nice ring to it. Just like my aluminum bat.
shelling out $59+ for a game can be painfull if it won't go the distance...
Included shipping.
Of course, that may be a problem if you want to join Coxxorz tonight....
That's what the U.S. Army does when they have to dispose of some plutonium.
I'm hoping I get bored of it before I have to return it at the end of the month. But right now, it has that enticing sandboxy quality that I found somewhat lacking in GTA. I just can't get enough! Wish I had more time to play these days.