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Stormblade Xbox 360 faceplate – The Emperor's Opal

By Blackwalt - Posted on 12 February 2009

A little late but I am finally getting around to posting this

When Stormblade came to visit this past Christmas I added to his Christmas gift with a Xbox 360 faceplate based on his book. Shown here:

Stormblade's versionStormblade's version

While he appreciated it and enjoyed the fact that I had one on my Xbox 360 as well, I was disappointed that he didn't notice the slight modification on my version.

An alternate versionAn alternate version

Coxxorz's picture

"A 500 year old secret waits to be discovered... still"

MauriceRevek's picture

Forever More.

MauriceRevek's picture

A 500 year secret that waits to be discovered.

If anybody cares.

Stormblade's picture

That's a significantly milder modification than I had expected.

But I still hate you.

HardW00D's picture

i read the first 4 chapters and so far it's pretty good.

... greybush read the whole book by the second week!!!!

Akuf's picture

Review will be coming stayed tuned

Q-Bert's picture

.... and I give it a 4.

Graybush's picture

because I didn't start the book for over a week. It actually took me maybe 4 days to read it.

And if you like the first 4 chapters wait until it really gets going. I found the beginning difficult because I've never read a book by someone I've killed zombies with and that made it weird for some reason.

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