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Skittles Vodka!

By Q-Bert - Posted on 12 February 2009

Next time we have a Lan Party, we have to do this:

Skittles Vodka!

Gotta love Digg.

Now, I wonder if we can do the same with Smarties ?

Swag's picture


Akuf's picture

My lan parties usually don't end up as lan parties and I think if I hosted one I would probably get in serious trouble with the wives on the site. As for the rest, I think most of you would get in trouble (or me) with the female guests at my lan parties.

MauriceRevek's picture

Nothing to say really. Just wanted to see Well Well Well in the recent comments.

Akuf's picture

Sorry couldn't resist

Coxxorz's picture

But it might not be til the end of the month at this rate. If anyone else wants to, by all means...

MauriceRevek's picture

Q-Berts b-day is in a week or so, but he has not given me an availability yet. Pebles will be away on the weekend of, so a-bert has to do some parenting, so we foul hbw one in his honor, or hold one at his fisrt convenience.

Poll please?

Coxxorz's picture

Whether to buy you a dictionary, or a new keyboard?

MauriceRevek's picture

I just reread my post. Yikes.

Akuf's picture

Did that in University many times....
Though we used M&M's, possibly skittles
Heck I was planning to do that and jello shots for my next twister party.

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