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The Return of the Red Ring Of Death

By Dark Nightowl - Posted on 04 April 2009

Okay, I enjoy sequels as much as the next person. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan... love it. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back... excellent! Aliens... a fricken blast! Unfortunately most sequels suck.

Last spring I had the "pleasure" of experiencing the Red Ring of Death. Now I get to "enjoy" The Return of the Red Ring Of Death (hence forth referred to as TROTRROD or RROD2... RRODII if you prefer Roman numerals).

Did I say "enjoy"? Okay... let me clue you in... that's sarcasm. RRODII sucks. It sucks big and it sucks hard.
It is not the kind of sucking that you any of you would enjoy.

Coxxorz's picture

I'm sure thankful for my Two-Console policy at home. It's already saved my bacon once with Microsoft.

I can't imagine how you one-box guys survive.

Stormblade's picture

Actually, I've decided to ship one home and bring the other in the car with me.

Just in case.

Swag's picture

Oh wait.

Well, Xbox hardware still sucks.

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