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Dark Nightowl's blog
In the news: UFOs targeted nuclear missiles
Yes. The story appears in today's edition of The Ottawa Citizen (page A12). Read more
Not a post by Q-bert
But this is a post about zombies. More accurately, it's a trailer for a new TV series called "The Walking Dead."
It's based an Image comic by Robert Kirkman that was initially published in 2003.
To find out more about The Walking Dead, go here...
Better yet, read the trade paperbacks. There are thirteen of them. At least the first nine are available to borrow from the Ottawa Public Library.
No... It's not Half-Pint...
A poor cat has gone missing. What's the owner going to do... Put up a poster!
Just don't ask a graphic designer to create it for you if he's having a bad day or really doesn't give a cr@p.
Read on...
You know I'm a fanboy when...
...I pick up the BluRay edition of Star trek at Best Buy just to snag the Enterprise! Why not? Same price as Future Shop and I get a cool displaycase/model to boot! Okay.. I'll probably put the disks in an actual DVD case and will have to go to the trouble of making cover art but a sweet deal to be sure. The pics from the web cam suck but the model is well detailed.
Did someone mention zombie movies?
Coming soon. Another zombie movie and this one features Nazi Zombies!
Watch the trailer at
Is it just me...
Or does the cat in our banner appear different to you?
Lost Zombies
Ever wonder about the coming Zombie Apocalypse? Well it's already started!
View the video for the chronology of events. Read more
The Return of the Red Ring Of Death
Okay, I enjoy sequels as much as the next person. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan... love it. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back... excellent! Aliens... a fricken blast! Unfortunately most sequels suck.
Last spring I had the "pleasure" of experiencing the Red Ring of Death. Now I get to "enjoy" The Return of the Red Ring Of Death (hence forth referred to as TROTRROD or RROD2... RRODII if you prefer Roman numerals).
Did I say "enjoy"? Okay... let me clue you in... that's sarcasm. RRODII sucks. It sucks big and it sucks hard.
It is not the kind of sucking that you any of you would enjoy.
Now for something completely different...
Videos? Pictures?
Games people! We do play games right?
![]() Fun shooting game. In this game you play a sniper who has to shoot all of the body guards in the shortest amount of time possible. |
Catchy tune
For all you IT, support and Mac guys... this vid's for you.