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Far... far... far... far... far... away...

...and maybe a little out there.

The HoC assignations became pretty much random at one point with only vague connections.

Kudos and maybe a small prize to whomever guesses the actual characters. Clone Wars characters may be involved.

This originally began as a side project between Rolly and I.

Update: briefly pulled for a quick change (fix).

Akuf's picture

Since no one has tried to figure out the actual characters yet

From left to right
Blackwalt: Han Solo
Stormblade: Chewie
Guba: Leia
Greybush: No idea but because it is purple I would Mace Windu
Hardwood: Luke
Aku: No idea...
REvek: No Idea
CK: 3po (though I don't know who CK is)
Qbert: R2D2

Coxxorz's picture

I thought it was Leatherface with a chainsaw. Although AK = Arkansas, not Texas.

Stormblade's picture

Not a K. You're as blind as Q-Bert.

Coxxorz's picture

And I knew it was supposed to be me.

Graybush's picture

Hardwood should be Mace Windu. He may not be black but he's beige, bald and he's always talking about his purple lightsaber.

Blackwalt's picture

He's not even in there.

Graybush's picture

he should be Mace Windu. But overall I think the picture is awesome ;)

Blackwalt's picture

He would be the perfect Mace Windu.

Akuf's picture

I am a better wookie than stormblade....heck I even have their mating call down pact.

Though admittedly I may not be as hairy as he is but then again I wax.

Blackwalt's picture

With Guba as Leia and Blackwalt as Han you aren't in the running for Chewbacca.

Not remotely. Let it go.

Coxxorz's picture

He's more of a Lando Calrissian.

Akuf's picture


Q-Bert's picture

I don't even rate...

Stormblade's picture

You're R2D2. I would have thought that was obvious.

Coxxorz's picture

I thought it was R2-B.O., the stinky droid.

Stormblade's picture

if Revek was Jar Jar Binks.

MauriceRevek's picture

Definatly not Wookie.

More like Ewok with a petuitery gland problem.

Coxxorz's picture


Stormblade's picture

You were properly zinged. Accept defeat and move on.

BTW, it's Chewbacca, Lamo.

Coxxorz's picture

Or it could be Harry potter, hard to tell. At least that would explain the Nimbus 2000 he's holding.

Akuf's picture

most people would consider me to be the wookie...

Coxxorz's picture

I told Blackwalt that without even looking at the comments.

Blackwalt's picture

Besides, Stormblade has seniority.

Plus he is big, fuzzy and no one understands him when he talks.

Coxxorz's picture

He's more of a Barf.

Stormblade's picture


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