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The REAL Coxxorz' Bargain Corner

By Coxxorz - Posted on 03 July 2009

Okay, apparently it's opposite day. Not only does Blackwalt now post hot deals under my name, he also out-Coxxorzed Coxxorz today at Future Shop.

I had an online order from the Canada Day sale to be picked at FS, thinking I did all right getting 10% off a $70 Apple accessory ($7 savings). At the store, Blackwalt suggested I use the $10 off a $50 purchase coupon that Snuffy D alerted us to earlier this week.

"They won't combine offers!" I snorted, thinking at best I'd cancel the order and use the coupon for $10 off instead.

Well, they did.

On the one hand I saved $17, but then had to endure Blackwalt's smugness the rest of the trip. I think I can still sense it lingering in the air at the office. Or is the the stench of decaying morale? Hard to say.

Anyway, the coupon is valid for the rest of the weekend, making it a great time to grab an Xbox Live subscription card for $49.99, or any number of other accessories and games you might have had your eye on.

A fact that I had to point out to Snuffy after he mentioned his Xbox Live sub may have expired. You know, the guy who told us about the coupon? Spot the irony if you can.

Swag's picture


Blackwalt's picture


Coxxorz's picture

At the store, I realized I had forgotten to print a coupon out. Blackwalt sensed my despair, and produced a stack of like twenty coupons from his pocket!

The student has verily surpassed the master.

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