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Ice and his Rye

By Blackwalt - Posted on 10 July 2009

The story of a well sealed bottle

So once again this year we had our annual cottage weekend. The Not the May 24 weekend. And it went well. Thanks for asking. No you weren't invited.

So Ice arrived early as usual, very lucky to have not been pulled over. He entered the cottage with bed sheets and a towel reeking to high heaven of Rye. Canadian whiskey that is. Specifically Forty Creek which is the good stuff.

Seems that one third of the bottle had leaked out during his trip down from Toronto. The good news was that there was still two thirds left. The bad news was the bottle was still sealed. Ice proved this by twisting the cap and letting us hear the pop, pop, pop of the seal cracking. Only Ice could lose good rye from a still sealed bottle. Long story short (this portion) we helped him finish the bottle because we are good friends that way.

Notice the corkNotice the corkSo once again this year we had Ice up to Ottawa for Canada Day. With the drive to Ottawa being substantial longer he went to the LCBO with a slightly different agenda than normal. Instead of searching for the best Rye, he was searching for the best sealed Rye.

Enter Highwood Distiller's Centennial 10 Year Old Canadian Rye Whisky. The only Rye bottle Ice could find with a cork. Yes, a cork.

So armed with a corked bottle of Centennial 10 Year Old Canadian Rye Whisky Ice piled into his car and made the drive to Ottawa. With not a rogue ounce of Rye escaping anywhere in the car.

When he showed me his well sealed bottle of Rye I started laughing right away as I immediately understood what had prompted this specific purchase.

After substantial and careful taste testing of the Rye over the weekend, properly sampling two thirds of the bottle, we crafted our official opinion of the Quality of the Centennial Rye.

    Centennial 10 Year Old Canadian Rye Whisky comes in a well sealed bottle.

Oddly, three days later after Ice left I discovered that he had left the remainder of the bottle... thanks.

And yes, I'm drinking it. It's still Rye! And it's well sealed!

Coxxorz's picture

I want a breakdown ranking.

Blackwalt's picture

I refuse to rate the product until I am completely finished my first run through.

On Easy.

And then once on Normal.

And then again on Hard.

Then I will be ready to render a proper rating.... or comatose.

Ice's picture

I think we were playing on Easy over Canada day.

Evidence - There was some left.

Ice's picture

I'd say it starts at about 2 1/2 paw, but by the bottom of the bottle its closer to 4. It's hard to explain.

Coxxorz's picture

I think we all understand how that works.

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