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Why I won't shop at Best Buy anymore.

By Q-Bert - Posted on 07 October 2007

So, I walk into Best Buy (next to the Lynx Stadium) to purchase an Xbox 360 drive and NHL'08.

  • Had to find a sales person to unlock the Xbox 360 Disk Drive "display". That took a good 10 minutes.

  • Looked at the NHL'08 cases that clearly say "PRE SALES". Good thing I asked the sales goon that came to unlock the Xbox 360 drives: "When does NHL'08 come out then?" To which he, of course, answers: "Oh, it is out already. It's at the front." Of COURSE! How stupid of me!

  • The salesdude goes to the front with me and attempts to get keys from other salesdroids so that he can open the cage and hand me a copy of NHL'08. That took *him* a good 10 mins.

All of that is par for the course, I would not expect any less from either FutureCrap or Best Grab.

It's when I have all my things and actually get to the cash register where the fun starts:
"Sir, will you purchase the extended..." and I look at her straight in the eyes and say "No, thank you" "... warantee, so that you can return..." Still shaking my head no "... this item at any time within the first 30 days for a full and complete refund or free repair..." Still shaking my head no and not smiling anymore "... above and beyond what is offered by the manufaturers warantee?"


"That will be $189.00...... Do you have a Points card?" I guess you can guess the next 2 minutes of my life:


"Do you wish to apply..." Now raising both hands up, palms towards her, and shaking my head vigourously while she goes through the rest of her litany "... for a points card giving you %10 off of your first purchase and permitting you to save even more on additional purchases in the future..." OK, now I'm wondering if I will have to throttle her to shut her up. It would be a shame since she is clearly cute, and besides, the Nazi Door Goon is about 10 feet away looking straight at us so it would be pretty hard to say that she slipped and cracked her head on the counter...... 12 times..... "... as well as getting rebates for services such as our Geek Squad Service."


"Here's your change"

So, since it is obvious that Best Buy forces their cash register attendants to upsell to their clientele, they can go screw themselves to oblivion. I am not going to subject myself to forced advertising while completing a purchase.

Oh, and their website sucks too.

Coxxorz's picture

I was at Future Shop one time and saw some nuns and they were buying laptops for the orphans and the guys in red shirts were standing around them in a circle and taking turns punching the orphans OH and they also killed the orphans and drank their blood and laughed at the nuns and told them to get out TRUE STORY.

Noir's picture

Well some friends of mine just bought a new 1000+ dollar TV at Futureshit.

Of course there were about a half dozen sales reps there, done nothing but talking to eachother. After 30 or so minutes, my friends went to ask one of the reps for some help. He was "busy" and asked to give him a minute. 10 minutes later... they ask the same guy. He gives the same excuse. Finally another 10 minutes later he comes up and actually help them get a TV.

All in all it took over an hour to buy a TV that my friends had narrowed down to a couple models before even entering the store. Futureshit indeed.

Swag's picture

They are the same thing really.

Actually I had to go to that best buy a couple times (to get a phone and something else) and they gave me that "extended warranty" thing both times. However, I pretty much said no right away and both times they just shut up about it.

Maybe you just got a trainee.

Coxxorz's picture

Unless they've turned up the heat recently. I know Best Buy drones aren't on sales commission, so they have to make money somehow, right?

Haven't seen any locked cabinets at the Merivale store before. Maybe that's new too?

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