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Heroes - Kindred
Well, the writers are getting their heads out of their asses apparently: Candice was fat.
Remember that I complained that Sylar and Peter were still alive. Well, with Sylar not being able to use his powers, and Peter with amnesia, it let's the other characters progress and prevents the second season from just being a carbon copy of the first. Also, I don't really mind the fact that Peter is becoming a second Sylar... I prefer a becoming-dark-lord to a whiney-emo-child anyday.
Ando finding messages for himself in the sword is a funny way of handling Hiro's arc, but totally unecessary. They had already brought us to the 1600's on the first episode of the season. No need to transform the medium into a naration line.
Claire with a boyfriend.... Can you hear the screams of all the young male nerds out there ? "NOOOOOOoooooooooo!......"
Nichele Nichols... I wonder where *that* arc is going to go. I also wonder when we will be finding "Nuclear Whessels" and increasing the fiber in our diet.
It's obvious now that most of the season will revolve around three main arcs: Hiro, HRG and Molly. I think that's a better way than last season's Main Arc + Nikki/Jessica. I certainly wouldn't mind if Sylar and Peter just became background noise, and let the other characters develop.
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I might actually start liking Peter now that he is no long an emo. What better way to turn into a man then have amnesia and end up in Ireland. The land of Guinness! Where only true men live, drinking a true mans drink.
I second the fact that Claire's boyfriend is totally annoying. 1) he is an asshole, 2) He can fly (are we allready running out of powers to give people??) 3) He is going to ruin everything. This is the second power they have seemed to use twice. With good old Kenji haven't regeneration. Hmmmm, made this new kid is superman?
The main arc is definitely with Suresh. He seems to be the main character in this season.
We'll see what happens next episode. I am not sure how I feel about Sylar still being alive frankly. I really thought he should have stayed dead. He was out of control in the first season.
I almost read your comment when you posted, but having not yet seen the episode (PVR'ed it), I thought better of it. GLAD I DID.
Anyway, I think we all knew the shapeshifter was fat, I just wish they kept the original girl. She was cute.
I totally called the sword messages about 5 seconds before it happened. I know... it's a gift. It's probably not relevant to the story, but a novel narration method, and who knows what will happen with Hiro still (stuck?) in the 1600s.
The Clare boyfriend annoys the shit out of me, hopefully they kill him soon. Another flyer is pointless, unless they need him to "give" Sylar that ability. BTW: anybody else think Sylar's still in illusion land? Would explain his apparent lack of abilities, and keep him out of trouble.
I'm gonna guess that Uhura is DL's mother (computer kid's grandmother), which opens that way up for her to have powers too. I will further speculate that she's one of the remaining 9.
I'm bored as shit of the Nikki/Jessica arc. They almost made her useful at the end of the last episode, but killing off DL broke up a potentially good team.
The Mexican kids are starting to bore me too, but we can be sure it's building up to the brother not being able to absorb any more of her shit, and potentially... something could happen.
I agree it's nice for Peter and Sylar to not be the main story for the time being, but to me the series is kind of meandering now, with no main focus. I guess the Suresh/Company thing could be the core of the story, but we'll have to wait and see what the new boss dude has in store for heroes trading for the cure. Could be a devious plan to give someone ALL their abilities?
Well, knowing that I almost ruined it for you, I won't push my next Heroes blog entry to the front page.. just in case.
Yes, Sylar could still be in illusion land, and it would explain a few things.
Nichele being one of the Original 9 could be part of a Star Trek subtheme, but gawds I hope not. If Shatner comes out as one of the original 9 with the power to sing people to death (he's done it before) then I will stop watching the series...
The transmutator character is pissing me off; what a bad casting job. Don't you think he should just stick to sitcoms and get the hell out of a Sci-Fi drama ? It's like casting Ray Romano as Liebermann (mind you, the death scene would have had me applaud).
It's true that series appears to be meandering, but don't forget that series 1 took a long time to get off the ground too, which is the main reason that popularity for the show grew as episodes came out. Each episode was better than the one before and attracted more viewers near the middle of the series (present company included).
As for the main arc of this season, I think it will actually revolve around Parkman+Molly. That's my bet. Do we start a pool ? :-)
I suppose Molly has to be there for some larger purpose, I'll give you that.
Speaking of attracting more viewers later in the season... am I the only one that's incredibly annoyed at the way TV shows are being promoted these days? Since when does blatantly giving away key plot twists from the next episode count as a "teaser"? Fox is terribly notorious for this, but it's happening everywhere now. They showed Sylar sitting on the beach after last week's episode... even though he was supposedly "dead" (yeah, I know) as far as we knew at that point. That's just fucking inexcusable.
Don't watch the trailer after the last commercial... It's a PVR, you can pause it, you know...
But when you're all comfy and horizontal, and still trying to digest the events of the current epsiode, WHAM! They nail you with a total spoiler before the credits even start, sending you into a panicked scamble for the remote. Morons!
You see, I don't have that problem since I only watch episodes of Heroes, frame-by-frame. Yes, I have to read lips.