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What did they expect?
Early Play on Illegit Forza, Borderlands Resulting in Permabans
Early illegal copies are being punished. If you bought a legitimate copy early you are still okay, so keep looking!
- The Microsoft chief of police Stephen Toulouse has said that his enforcement team is inspecting early play and applying permabans only to those with illegitimately obtained early copies of either game. Those who got their copy because a retailer broke street date are safe, Stepto says.
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- 385 reads
That will teach them. Or not. Wonder if they're going after the guys doing the actual piracy?
Not the actual individuals. It would have been nice if they grabber the NIC address off of the console and banned that as well.
Make the bastards eally suffer!
They really don't go far enough. I would say second infraction = console ban, but if the user is already banned, they can't have a second infraction! Plus, the console would be worthless to any sucker that buys it.