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Examiner: Top five killer apps for Xbox 360
As a counterpoint to the previous story
Top five killer apps for Xbox 360
Woohoo, much more respect to Crackdown here as is properly deserved. It is the only original game on the list, the other four titles are all sequels. This may be because Crackdown is the only title without a sequel (yet) but hey it's still the only non-sequel.
Also note that Forza 3 isn't out yet (Oct. 27). Hmmm...
Still. It's a list!
- Microsoft’s second video game system has plenty of system-selling software. Here are the top five killer apps worth purchasing for the Xbox 360.
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Although I have three of these games, it's pretty clear they're pulling titles out of their asses. Picking an unreleased game just proves it. Why not put Crackdown 2 on there? Or Modern Warfare 2? Or Halo 4? Sheesh, a monkey with Tourette's could write a better list.
Especially when the number one title is a FPS lesson in mediocrity.
And saying that a console has "killer apps" doesn't really make sense to me.
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I see one...